Mr. Speaker, the Governor General of Canada, Her Excellency the Right Honourable Mary May Simon, gave me 20 King Charles III coronation medals to present. I want to congratulate the 20 recipients for their remarkable contribution to Canada. They are Valérie‑Micaela Bain, Madwa‑Nika Phanord‑Cadet, Déborah Cherenfant, Connie Cusano, Louis‑Edgar Jean‑François, Gracia Kasoki Katahwa, Manuel Mathieu, Stéphan Morin, Emilie Nicolas, Jean Ernest Pierre, Frédéric Pierre, Lucy Santos Rodrigues, Chantal Rossi, Beverly Salomon, Nathalie Sanon, Rony Sanon, Komlan T. Sedzro, Édouard Staco, Rodney Saint‑Éloi and Martine St‑Victor.
Congratulations to all the recipients.