Madam Speaker, I rise today to speak to the following main motion, “That, given the job cuts announced at CBC/Radio-Canada for the year 2024, it would be inappropriate for the CBC to grant bonuses to executive members.”
The NDP supports the motion, but what I find fascinating is that it is coming from the Conservatives, the same Conservatives who have finally met an executive bonus they oppose. That is how ideologically committed they are, that their love of billionaires and millionaires trying to join them can be overcome to the point that they will oppose excessive executive bonuses, but only as long as those bonuses are going to CBC executives. If it were anyone else, they would be fine with it.
This is why it really is a misnomer when the Liberals say that the Conservatives hate the CBC. I am not sure they do. In fact, I would argue that the Conservatives love the CBC and love, in particular, that someone like Catherine Tait has so poorly run the CBC that they found the one group of executives they can rail against. They love that they comfortably attack these executives and hope that no one notices they cater to every other wealthy executive. As we have heard here today, it is the same Conservatives who are spending significant resources to advertise on the CBC as well.
Would the Conservatives argue against bonuses for oil executives who are ravaging the planet? A report released by the Bedford Consulting Group looked at executive compensation at 68 oil and gas companies. While Canadians struggle to fill up their cars, executive bonuses increased over 20%. The average compensation for executives at companies with assets over $30 billion was over $16.6 million. Did the Conservatives speak up when it came to those executive bonuses? Of course not. They really love these ones.
Galen Weston's bonuses increased by over 50% in a single year, while at the same time his board argued that he was underpaid. I am sure that my Liberal and Conservative friends agree. If they did not, they would have supported an NDP effort to tie executive pay to workers, but they did not. Once again, they love these bonuses.
Speaking of telecommunications, Bell Media's Mirko Bibic received over $30 million in bonuses in a single year, while laying off thousands of workers, and yet the Conservatives and Liberals approved millions of dollars in taxpayer money, sent directly to Bell Media.
It is clear why the Conservatives are so beholden to corporate interests, especially when the Conservative Party has at least five billionaire donors, two in real estate, which is also probably why the Conservative leader refuses to take on corporate landlords, making buying a house unattainable for young Canadians. Two donors are in finance, which is why the Conservative leader joined the Liberals in voting against closing tax loopholes that allow billionaires to hide their money in offshore tax havens. One billionaire donor sells food and other basic needs, which is probably why the Conservatives joined the Liberals to block an excess profits tax for grocery stores.
However, the Conservatives still complain when the NDP forces the Liberals to deliver for Canadians, fighting for billions in housing for first nations, for pharmacare and dental care, so Canadians do not have to make impossible choices; to increase the fight for increased union power by banning scab labour. It is because the idea of standing up for anything is so anathema to the Conservatives.
While the Conservatives like to go on and on about a coalition of the Liberals and the NDP, they hide the real coalition in the country, one of corporate greed enabled by two political parties, the Liberals and the Conservatives, who prefer to do nothing while Canadians struggle. The reality is that 56 of the richest Canadians donate to the Liberal Party while 61 have donated to the Conservative Party. The wealthiest people in our country do not see a difference between Liberals and Conservatives. Therefore, excuse me if I ask to be spared the Conservative crocodile tears about CBC bonuses.
CBC bonuses are wrong, and the NDP is clear that they are wrong. A public broadcaster, a Crown corporation, should not be doling out executive bonuses, especially at a time when it is making cuts and it is failing to fulfill its regional broadcasting mandates. However, I would argue that the Conservatives do not actually care about executive bonuses. What they really care about is hurting the CBC.
That is why the leader of the Conservatives will appear on True North, a conspiracy theory website that platforms banned far-right hate groups like the Proud Boys, to proclaim that he cannot wait to defund the CBC. This plays right into Liberal hands. The Liberals can demonize the Conservative leader for wanting to destroy the CBC, and ignore their own record of doing exactly that. It was after their threat of a 3% cut across the board that Catherine Tait and her board decided to lay off 800 workers.
It is under the current government that the CBC's workforce has shrunk to the point that it is smaller than it was under the Stephen Harper government, those dark days when it came to cuts to the CBC. We are once again seeing the Liberal special, and that is to criticize the Conservatives for doing what the Liberals do by stealth.
The end result is that Canadians are losing out. While the CBC is cutting jobs across the country, it is really Canadians who are paying the price. It is Canadians, especially in northern, rural, indigenous communities, living in media deserts who do not have their stories told.
When the CBC relies on offices in Winnipeg and elsewhere to tell the stories of people like here in northern Manitoba and in other northern and rural regions of the country, it is all Canadians who lose out. We lose out on our stories, our voices and our reality that matters to all of us.
As media becomes more concentrated, we hear less about how the 20 richest Canadians have $214 billion in wealth, equivalent to over 10% of Canada's GDP. That is 20 people, 10% of the country, in terms of GDP. This reality is unsustainable, and we need to do something about it.
We hear less about how 123 corporations get out of paying $30 billion in taxes in a single year, relying on loopholes that the NDP has called on the government to close. However, the Liberals and Conservatives, once again, do everything they can to keep those loopholes open.
I want to go back to the Liberal subamendment to this debate. The Liberals are, once again, coming across that they want to do something when it comes to saving the CBC, but the reality is that we know that the threats made by the Liberals to cut the CBC contributed to an environment where the CBC went ahead and cut 800 positions not too long ago. The Liberals talk a good talk when it comes to the CBC, but the reality is that they are doing little to strengthen a public broadcaster and pursue the kind of accountability Canadians deserve.
A couple of months ago, when the story first broke that executive bonuses had been doled out at the CBC, we released the following statement, “It is...time to ban the CBC from paying bonuses.” The Liberals have failed to act. When CBC president Catherine Tait came to committee, I made it clear the CBC was acting more and more like a private broadcaster, including on bonuses. Canadians deserve better. I also called on President Tait to commit to cancelling executive bonuses to save CBC jobs. Now we hear that not only did they take the bonuses, but they add up to more than $18 million. This is while Canadians lost their jobs at the CBC.
Unlike the Conservatives who want to cut the CBC, we want accountability and we want to improve it. The Liberals have overseen a CBC that has not fulfilled its regional mandate the way it ought to fulfill it. Earlier, we heard about cuts to Radio-Canada, which is an essential service for francophone communities, for Quebec, for regions in our country like New Brunswick, where Radio-Canada is the go-to broadcaster for francophones. We also know that CBC has cut and failed to fulfill its mandate in regions like mine, here in northern Manitoba, where, for years, we have not had a permanent presence to fill the local broadcasting station, known as CBC North Country.
In fact, very cynically, the president of the CBC, President Tait, when she came to our committee in May of this year, declared that the position here had been filled. We went on to find out that it was by a journalist who came in for two months as a secondment from another CBC office elsewhere in Canada. To me and to our region, that was a cynical message from the CBC, that it was willing to get away with PR messaging that it had filled this critical position, a position that it is mandated to fill. However, the person who filled it was only here for two months.
I want to recognize that over these past years, the fact that we have not had a CBC presence has meant that the CBC coverage of our region has not been up to par. One-off stories about our communities do not cut it when it comes to relaying the real issues, challenges, opportunities, good news and bad news stories that need to be told on behalf of our region.
We also know that the CBC has not built the relationships on the ground to convey the stories that people have to share, stories that undoubtedly inform the view of Canadians of what is happening in northern Canada, what is happening in indigenous communities and what is happening in resource-based communities, many of which are facing immense challenges but are also pursuing exciting opportunities.
Our voices and these stories are not being told as a result of the CBC failing to fill the position in our station, which at one time had three people working in it. As a result of cuts, it was reduced to one. Now, as I mentioned, it has been years since that position has been fulfilled.
I will note that our region has a proud history when it comes to the CBC. I believe it is the first region that had full-time programming in Cree, again based in northern Manitoba. It was also the region that gave Peter Mansbridge his start. He was discovered in Churchill, interestingly enough not broadcasting but working at the airport. It is said that a CBC producer heard his voice and thought he would be great for radio. He of course went on to have an illustrious career broadcasting for the CBC.
Our region has a rich history when it comes to broadcasting and the CBC. However, instead of respecting that and instead of living up to its obligations under the CRTC and its mandate for regional programming, the CBC has failed to fill this position.
I want to raise the issue of leadership. Some years ago, when it was announced that our station would be shut down under the Harper government, we worked closely with then-president Hubert Lacroix. He listened to our communities, he worked with our communities and we were able to restore service in northern Manitoba. This was much appreciated. People in northern Manitoba felt heard by the CBC at that time.
I contrast that to Ms. Tait's leadership, where we have not seen support for this station and just a short-term fill, which is not a solution to the broadcasting needs of our region and CBC's mandate. In fact, when I raised this issue in committee last week, the answers I received were entirely inadequate and, frankly, irrelevant.
Ms. Tait went on to talk about other regions in the country. This was not about that. Regions like ours, northern Canada and indigenous communities, deserve local and regional broadcasting in their regions telling their stories. That is why it is critical that we talk about strengthening the CBC and ensuring that we are investing in the regional and local journalism that is required. This is especially urgent at a time when private broadcasters are pulling out from regions across the country.
We saw record cuts made by Bell Media. We saw cuts and the loss of broadcasting when Rogers took over Shaw. We have seen cuts by media outlets across the country. What we have now are entire media deserts in parts of our country where journalists are not based to tell the stories within these regions. This makes Canada less well off in its connections and is absolutely a hindrance to building an informed citizenry. It is a hit to our democracy in many ways, as Canadians do not have access to and knowledge of the stories of people even within their own regions, provinces and other parts of the country. It is also a contributor to misinformation. People are turning elsewhere to get the news, and not necessarily to reputable sites and sources. Of course, we know the far right has taken advantage of this void and sought to push its agenda through.
While we support the banning of executive bonuses, we certainly do not support the Conservatives' full frontal attack on the CBC and Radio-Canada. We need a strong public broadcaster, but not one that doles out executive bonuses and cuts jobs, not one that does not fulfill local and regional broadcasting mandates, as we are seeing right now with the CBC, and not one failing to tell Canadian stories from across the country. We need a public broadcaster, a CBC, that is accountable to Canadians and has as its priority local and regional journalism.
We also need to cut through the Liberal games. The Liberals have threatened to cut the CBC, have overseen the doling out of $18 million in bonuses and have failed to ensure the CBC fulfills its local and regional broadcasting mandates. Canadians deserve a strong CBC, an accountable CBC, a CBC that puts Canadians at the centre, does not prioritize bonuses and does not leave glaring gaps when it comes to local and regional broadcasting.
With that in mind, I would like to make an amendment to the amendment. I propose that the motion be amended by deleting all the words after the word “that” and substituting the following: The eighth report of the Standing Committee on Canadian Heritage, presented on Tuesday, December 12, 2023, be not now concurred in, but that it be recommitted to the Standing Committee on Canadian Heritage for further consideration, provided that it be an instruction to the committee to study the consequences of defunding the CBC and Radio-Canada, including how the Liberals' threat to cut funding led to hundreds of CBC/Radio-Canada job cuts, including the effects on smaller communities, as promised by the Leader of the Opposition.
I hope my fellow colleagues will support the subamendment we are putting forward, and, more importantly, that as Canadian parliamentarians we get behind strengthening our public broadcaster, rendering it accountable by banning executive bonuses and investing in local and regional journalism. Canadians deserve it.