Madam Speaker, recently Michigan approved an American billionaire's desire to ship hazardous material across the Ambassador Bridge to Canada. With this change taking effect in less than two weeks, the federal government and the Province of Ontario have been silent. It seems they simply do not care, even though the City of Windsor is opposed, as are the fire department, police association and many others.
Residents of Windsor are in a state of uncertainty and fear. We are allowing the profits of a U.S. billionaire to risk our water and our jobs. The lack of consultation, background studies and a clear safety plan is unacceptable. Our community deserves to know which neighbourhoods will be affected and what protocols are in place should an accident occur.
The Liberals are sacrificing our sovereignty and risking an environmental and economic disaster. The time for action is now.
The Gordie Howe International Bridge is opening up in months with a solution to this issue. Why the corrupt process right now?