Mr. Speaker, that is a good question on the difference between corruption and conflict of interest. A conflict of interest arises when somebody can benefit themselves. I think corruption is actually much more wholesale, and that is not to say the two cannot have any overlap; I think they have substantial overlap here. In my view, when we have a Liberal government that is providing contracts to its friends, or allowing its friends to provide contracts, that is not just a one-time thing where they line their own pockets. This was a decision to systematically fleece taxpayers and to do it in a way that would be covered up.
That is corruption. I do not know how that is not corruption. If a person or a party, in this case the Liberals, deliberately decided to ensure that people get rich off the backs of taxpayers, they were in a conflict of interest. Even an apparent conflict of interest is enough; if it looks bad, they should be recusing themselves. This did not just look bad. This was bad. They should hand over the documents.