Mr. Speaker, I understand the messaging the member is trying to get across. The Parliament of Canada is supreme in many different ways, but that does not justify walking over the Charter of Rights. It does not justify the actions the Conservative Party is taking.
The Conservatives are trying to say that the RCMP's opinion does not matter and that the Auditor General of Canada's opinion does not matter. We had a Conservative just the other day stand up and talk about how wonderful it was that we had a jail inside Centre Block at one time, and that Parliament should, in essence, be able to put someone directly from the bar into jail, walking over the Charter of Rights and the idea of innocent until proven guilty.
The Conservative appointed by Stephen Harper back in the day, the adviser to Brian Mulroney, ultimately became the chair of the board in question, and there will be a consequence for her, no double about that. However, I am concerned that the Conservative Party, in its games and its quest for an election, is walking all over a person's charter rights and freedoms. I find that disgraceful.