Mr. Speaker, first and foremost, I appreciate the two-part question. On the first part, as I have indicated, Stephen Harper was actually the only prime minister in the history of Canada, and even beyond Canada, throughout the British Commonwealth, who has actually been found in contempt of Parliament. An interesting fact is that the current leader of the Conservative Party of Canada was actually Harper's parliamentary secretary at the time.
In regard to the housing issue, I believe that if we could stop debating the multi-million dollar game that the Conservatives are playing, maybe we could have an opposition day on the accelerator fund and see whether it would pass the floor of the House of Commons. I believe it would. Rather than talking about the members who still support the program, the real question is about the 18 members who have written to the government saying they indirectly support it. That would be an interesting vote. There is no way the leader of the Conservative Party would allow it to take place.