Madam Speaker, these are really important issues, but I honestly think that my friend and colleague is conflating two issues. We are taking strong climate action, and we are holding big oil and gas companies to account. All of those big profits that I mentioned, and which he referenced as well, are taxed; they are funding these programs. It is important to recognize that we do travel on modes of transportation that require fossil fuels and that the world needs Canada's energy. We have to make sure that it is green, clean, innovative and efficient. That is what we are doing with the first-ever cap on emissions. Again, I am surprised that my friend and colleague refuses to acknowledge that the government has taken really strong action.
We talked earlier today. I mentioned to him that the city of Burlington has made transit free for seniors, kids under 12 and teens. Burlington is a small part of the riding of Milton, not geographically, but from the perspective of population. It has done that with help from our government, with support for these initiatives. I know that the region of Waterloo has that same support. I congratulate those in the region, and I thank the member for his advocacy again.