Mr. Speaker, the following reflects a consolidated response approved on behalf of Global Affairs Canada, GAC, ministers.
With regard to part (a), on September 27, 2023, the Government of Canada publicly announced funding for two development assistance projects, valued at a total of $14 million, in support of Afghan refugees and host-communities impacted by the 2022 flood crisis in Pakistan. Of the total $14 million announced, $10 million in development assistance funding was provided by the Government of Canada and directly received by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, UNHCR, for project implementation efforts within Pakistan. Of the total $14 million announced, $4 million in development assistance funding was provided by the Government of Canada and directly received by the World Health Organization, WHO, for project implementation efforts within Pakistan. None of the $14 million announced by the Government of Canada was provided to or received by other recipients.
With regard to part (b), the funds provided to UNHCR by the Government of Canada supported essential services for Afghan refugees and host communities grappling with the flood crisis in Pakistan. The $10 million in development assistance funded a bilateral Government of Canada project entitled “Essential Services to Afghan Refugees and Host Communities in Pakistan”. The Government of Canada allocated the full $10 million in development funding to this project. It is fully administered directly by UNHCR in Pakistan.
With regard to part (c), the development funding provided by the Government of Canada to WHO was in support of health services to Afghan refugees and host communities in flood affected areas in Pakistan. The $4 million in development assistance supported the project entitled “Health Assistance for Afghan Refugees and Host Communities in Pakistan”. This project received the full $4 million allocation. It is administered directly by WHO in Pakistan.
With regard to part (d), project funds were directly provided by the Government of Canada to UNHCR and WHO for programming delivered to support Afghan refugees and host-communities located within Pakistan. Global Affairs Canada exercises due diligence to oversee and monitor project implementation and delivery to ensure the effective use of Canadian funds for approved purposes. These efforts include, but are not limited to, visiting project implementation sites in Pakistan, meeting with project partners and beneficiaries in Pakistan and requiring that programing partners provide the Government of Canada with project financial and results reporting. In addition, the Government of Canada includes anti-terrorism clauses in its funding agreements with humanitarian and development partners to prevent funds from being diverted.
The links referenced are as follows. The Government of Canada news release, NR, project announcement, dated September 27, 2023, is at Global Affairs Canada’s project browser link for UNHCR implemented project information, last updated in September 2024, is at Global Affairs Canada’s project browser link for WHO implemented project information, last updated in September 2024, is at