Mr. Speaker, it is good to be the member for Calgary Centre. My friend is actually the member for Calgary Confederation. He and I collaborate on a lot of things because we are both the downtown members from Calgary. We have great constituents.
We are here tonight, again, because the government refuses to turn over documents the Speaker demanded. The Speaker demanded that the government provide these documents to Parliament, which is the Speaker's right. It is Parliament's right to get these documents, in their unredacted form, as we call the government to account on a report the Auditor General gave on a fund called SDTC, the Sustainable Development Technology Canada fund. The Auditor General reported $400 million of unaccountable spending, which we have referred to many times as the green slush fund because of the way the government has spent its money. The Auditor General's findings were telling in so many ways. When we look at the conflicts of interest upon conflicts of interest, none of these funds should have been disbursed the way they were.
Many of the projects funded through SDTC did not even meet the eligibility requirements. At the end of the day, this happened because a bunch of Liberal-connected insiders were writing cheques to each other and approving money going into each of their companies. This included companies that are partially owned by people who sit on the Liberal bench, which is a shame. It is the definition of a conflict of interest.
The government does not want to disclose this to Parliament. However, we can go back to the constitutional set-up, how we function in this place. The government is the executive; we are the legislature. In Canada, the legislature is supreme. We are all elected across Canada, 338 of us. The Speaker has talked about showing respect to each other; this is legislative respect.
The government must obey the rules of Parliament. If we do not have these rules and we do not know how to function together anymore, we will not be able to continue as a country in the way we govern ourselves, and have for so long, as a democracy. What is at stake here is the governance we have as an actual democracy. This is reminiscent of what happened during COVID; then, the same government took the Speaker's predecessor to court because it was ordered to provide documents on the Winnipeg lab scandal. In that scandal, a whole bunch of information was provided to a foreign government through a bunch of agents. The head of the Public Health Agency of Canada was brought to the bar to testify in front of Parliament about why he would not provide those documents. It was demanded that he provide them, and the government subsequently took the Speaker's predecessor to court to say it did not have to provide Parliament with those documents. That is a clear aberration of democracy, the way we practise it in Canada, and so is this.
This is an aberration. We have to get back to the way we govern ourselves effectively together. Canadians need to understand how their democracy works, and it is not in the way the government is treating their democracy. This is not an autocracy; this is a democracy. There are 338 people elected. I think we are up to about 120 now on this side of the House in the Conservative Party of Canada, and it looks as though we are going to do quite a bit better going forward. However, the government is going to abnormal lengths, at this point in time, to subvert the will of Parliament. We can think about that: subverting the will of Parliament. I am not sure this will continue, but so far, we have managed to hold the three opposition parties together to make sure we continue on this path. We are not going to commence with any of the government business until these documents are provided to the House of Commons for our inspection to find out where $400 million of taxpayer money actually went and whose pockets this money went into.
This is our right to claim, and we are doing that. We are standing here. I hope the other two parties stay with us in this and do not crumble because they are getting some kind of bribe. I do think that is part of the card game that the Liberals want to play. They have to bribe one of these other parties to no longer commit to this effort to make sure Parliament is held in the respect due to it. There is a lot at stake.
In Question Period, every day, we talk about the opposition parties holding government to account. Most Canadians think that happens in Question Period, but it is no longer even a functional part of holding the government to account.
Questions are asked and answers are not given. The government sometimes thinks it is its job to ask questions of the opposition about what is happening over here. Question period is about the functioning of government, and every one of those questions we ask should be about the accountability of government and what the government is doing at any one point in time, but it is not functioning that way. Canadians are watching the practice of democracy being whittled down on a daily basis. I beseech you, Mr. Speaker, to get hold of question period, hold the government to account and make the Liberals provide answers during that 45-minute session every day when Canadians get to watch the government's answers to the questions asked by responsible members of the opposition.
We are talking about a $400-million slush fund here, and I want to get to the root of it. Exposing this slush fund will expose a lot because there are a bunch of actors here that the government goes hand in hand with. They are shaking each other's hands and effectively moving money into people's pockets. It is a great redistribution of wealth from Canadian taxpayers to friends of the government. I say that with some reservation because it is almost an accusation and it is not my style to make direct accusations, but why are the Liberals not providing the documents? It has been almost two months. They are withholding something for very good reason.
I will go back to what we are looking at. It is a redistribution method the government has at this point where it is taking money from taxpayers and giving it to people it believes are on its side. This cannot go on forever because despite the fact that the Minister of Finance said we would only have a $40-billion deficit, it is going to be more than $46 billion this year. That adds to the $1.3-trillion federal government debt we have in this country, which is about $30,000 per Canadian, not per family but per Canadian. That is $120,000 of debt for a family of four. On top of that, there is a provincial debt, which is almost the same, but call it $55,000 of debt per Canadian between our two levels of government, which is obscene.
We are $2.2 trillion in debt across this country. We are spending more on interest now than we are spending on anything else. We could spend all this money, coming up to $90 billion a year, on something besides debt if we got a hold of this. It is an awful amount of money to be coming off our income statement every year. It is unsustainable.
What happens once we go through all that? Inflation is going to make sure there is less money in everybody's pockets for their take-home pay, their rent, what they provide for their kids and their families, for their futures and their pensions. The government is inflating peoples' savings down so it is worth less and less as far as what they buy.
I am going to divert at this point to talk about what happened last week. It is relevant because the Minister of Environment was over in Baku, Azerbaijan, for COP29, the Conference of the Parties, about new environmental measures. When he went over there, he pledged more money from Canadian taxpayers, an extra billion dollars per year or thereabouts, going through a fund the government set up called FinDev.
This is a manufactured corporation; it is the people of Canada's money at the end of the day. It is going to provide what they call “blended finance”. I know what that is in the real world, but it is nothing when it is a government organization; it is just taxpayer money the government is throwing at a wall. It is more money, more spending. The problem is that a week earlier, the same minister, the Minister of Environment, put a cap on the Canadian oil and gas production industry. The cap was not even where we are right now.
Every actor in the Canadian economy says we are going to have to cut our oil production by about a million barrels a day. Right now, the country produces about 5.3 million barrels of oil per day, most of which goes for export. It is our number one export in this country at about 30% of our export value. Cutting oil production by a million barrels a day is going to cost the Canadian economy about $100 million per day.
The Minister of the Environment is over in Baku pledging billions of dollars of Canadian money for foreigners, because they have more needs than we have. He is going to say that. We have a country that is already going broke because of our high debt and we are pledging more money and we are going to have less in the economy here to pay for anything going forward. I worked in finance for a number of years. Everybody here knows that. I can guarantee us that this is not a lesson we give people in high finance. This is a lesson we give people in grade school. We cannot continue to spend more and earn less without this going upside down very quickly. It is going upside down very quickly.
There are a number of quotes here that I want to give with regard to that cap that the government is putting on Canadian oil and gas production. They say, “The proposed regulations put a limit on pollution, not production...the oil and gas sector is well positioned to reinvest record profits into projects that drive cleaner production...The draft regulation will encourage the sector to redirect these record profits into decarbonization.”
I think the people over at Environment and Climate Change Canada do not understand what records are, do not understand what climate change is, do not understand anything about economics here, and do not understand how businesses in Canada actually make money and how they lose money significantly in commodity downturns. These are cyclical, as we will know. Every commodity industry is cyclical. We make our money when the product is up. We lose money, often, when the product goes down in price, in the world price.
They then make these false statements. This is Environment and Climate Change Canada, which is a fabrication of an organization. It is really a passenger organization that is there to take care of the non-governmental organizations that feed it misinformation. I can say that very clearly because I have watched it through my five years here. It is an inane department that needs to be cleansed of all the influence that is coming into it that is purely self-serving at the end of the day. It no longer serves Canadians. It serves itself and serves the cannibalistic organizations that are more or less taking advantage of Canadians in this respect.
Let us go through there: “Countries around the world are moving actively, including Canada’s democratic allies and other major countries, including China.”
I have the emissions profile from China, all Asian countries and other countries around the world. Canada's oil and gas industry is an environmental producer, and it is very effective at reducing its emissions. It has been. It has gone down by 30% in the oil sands over the last two decades, more so, from an emissions reduction perspective, per barrel of oil produced, than any other producer in the world.
Does that make any sense to anybody on the other side of the bench? The industry, the sector that is performing the best as far as our pollution profile, our emissions reduction, is the one we are going to punish here by actually saying we cannot produce anymore. We are not only punishing the Canadian economy, we are punishing technology around the world. We are punishing the environmental solutions as they come forward here. All this is based upon what is going on here in the green slush fund. A lot of green stuff is going through this.
Here is something that they actually got partially right: “Oil and gas companies in Canada have proven repeatedly that they can innovate and develop new technologies to produce more competitive oil and gas with less pollution.”
There is some nonsense in that sentence but I agree with the sentiment. They got something mostly right there.
Let us get through to a few other things here, because the same week that the environment minister came up with that production cap on Canada's most profitable industry, for the country, not for themselves, because the banking industry is way more profitable than the oil and gas industry, the environment commissioner came out on Thursday, three days following, and gave this report card on where the environment minister and his whole department has been for their delivery across this.
I am going to quote a few things from the environment commissioner. He says:
...missing and inconsistent information, delays in launching important measures, and a lack of reliability in projections hindered the credibility of [the government's] plan.
I am going to go through a few other neat quotes here from the environment commissioner, not from an opposition politician but from the environment commissioner, who is there to make sure that Canadian dollars are spent well, and that we get results in our environmental outcomes here. There is a:
...lack of transparency on emissions reductions and projections....
That is, ECCC, Environment and Climate Change Canada, is making it up as they go along.
Here is another one:
The recent decreases to projected 2030 emissions were not due to climate actions taken by governments but were instead because of revisions to the data or methods used in modelling.
If we do not like the results, we should just monkey around with the model a little bit to show that it is doing better than it actually is, but it is failing.
Everything the government is spending billions of dollars of Canadian taxpayer money on is failing as far as emissions go. There are provinces and industries around this country that are doing very well in making sure we reduce emissions per barrel, per unit of GDP and on an energy efficiency basis. However, that is not the result of anything the government or Environment and Climate Change Canada is responsible for. It is a complete sham. If they do not like the results, they just change the numbers, get some different inputs and change the modelling.
Here is another one: “This issue of the lack of transparency in the modelling continues to be an ongoing concern, which can undermine the trust and credibility in the reported progress.” The environment commissioner is telling the government that it cannot be trusted, that its modelling is wrong and that, effectively, the numbers it is putting on paper are a bunch of hogwash. This lack of transparency means that accountability for reducing emissions remains unclear.
The gist, of course, is that the government's approach to greenhouse gas emissions is a complete failure. It does not know what it is doing. It does not know how to accomplish its goals. It does not even know how to measure the outcomes it seeks.
This goes back to the parasitic organizations that are well-funded by the government. That is where the $400 million that I am talking about comes in, the relevant part of this equation. This was a green slush fund that accomplished nothing green, which is the problem. It was just a wealth transfer. It was money going into a whole bunch of pockets that was not reducing anything, nor accomplishing anything environmental for Canada or the world. We were just spending taxpayers' money, and that spending of taxpayers' money was going toward nothing effective. It was just going into the pockets of a whole bunch of insiders. It was a sham.
How did this nonsense arise? This nonsense arose four years ago when the pandemic happened. I would like to quote some of the insiders who were getting rich off the government, and when I say rich off the government, I mean off taxpayer money. The government does not have any money; it is a government going broke, but it continues to take money from taxpayers across the country and give it to rich organizations that are profiteering from the largesse that the government foists upon them.
This is a real doozy from the task force for a resilient recovery:
By using a $13-billion public investment to leverage $35 billion in private capital through de-risking and co-investment strategies, and enabling regional efficiency finance networks through standardized project origination and underwriting approaches, and aggregation and warehousing of projects to attract large institutional investors.
What a bunch of hogwash. Those are the words that these organizations put on paper. They do not even make sense. They are from the government's friends putting together a paper excusing that they will be paid billions of dollars for accomplishing absolutely nothing.
Here is another one, from a news article: The “primary focus” of the task force was “a review of The Resilient Recovery Framework, a document submitted to the Task Force by the Smart Prosperity Institute on the very day of its launch.” Smart Prosperity was also the principal researcher for the task force. The task force was put together to look at Smart Prosperity's work, and Smart Prosperity was doing the research for the task force. Have members ever seen such a bunch of circular nonsense?
Let us look at that. The Smart Prosperity Institute is a joke. It is an organization cobbled together from the government's friends to funnel money into their pockets and the pockets of a whole bunch of other friends of the government. It is an absolute atrocity.
Fifteen people were on the task force for a resilient recovery and four of them had business experience. About 13 of them were just government grifters, people riding the tails of government and making sure they got paid all the way along. However, when they got paid, who did the paying? It was the Canadian taxpayer who did the paying. These are the people we need to hold to account, and they will be held to account. There is a reckoning to be had here, and that reckoning is part of the $400-million slush fund that we need to address very clearly.
I have said a lot and have a lot more to say, but I will entertain some questions at this time.