Mr. Speaker, in what universe would any single member of the Conservative Party care about public broadcasting? It is impossible. They live and feed in a swamp of disinformation. This is what elected Donald Trump.
The attack on the CBC is about attacking public journalism, just like the leader of the Conservatives attacked CTV, Global, the Toronto Star and The Canadian Press. Individual journalists have been targeted by the member who lives in Stornoway, who wants the world to live in a swamp of disinformation.
I am appalled that we are having to discuss contract choices made at what should be an arm's-length institution. There are many things I disagree with regarding the CBC. There are many times I rant as I listen to the radio driving in my car. However, I believe democracy requires an independent, credible media system.
The Conservatives sit there like numpties, laughing and ridiculing because they feed themselves on disinformation. They would not know truth if it came down naked, painted in purple, and danced all over their heads for two weeks. They have never seen truth because they live in a world of disinformation and are trying to reduce the rest of us to live in that fetid swamp.