Mr. Speaker, I am pleased to rise on behalf of the security-conscious residents of Renfrew—Nipissing—Pembroke to speak to this amendment to the amendment to the motion. The motion calls for an investigation into the Liberal government's ongoing failure to follow an order of the House to produce documents.
When I last rose in the House to speak to a subamendment to the motion, I highlighted how the failure of the government to produce the documents reflected the contempt the Liberals have for Parliament, our democracy and Canadians. During that speech, the member for Waterloo was kind enough to prove my point. The member interrupted my speech to claim she could not see the relevance between the Prime Minister's long history of showing contempt for Parliament and a motion concerning the government's current contempt for Parliament.
Today, I would like to make the same argument; however, rather than focusing on the dictatorial views and practices of the Prime Minister, I would like to make the case that the Liberals' incompetence is just as much a threat to democracy. It is my sincere hope that a Liberal MP will prove that point while putting the cherry on top by demonstrating that Liberals also do not listen very well. Canadians have been speaking up and calling for an end to the current government, if we can even call it that.
By definition, for a party to be a government, it has to govern. From this side of the House, it really appears as if the Liberals have just given up governing. The Liberals have abandoned passing legislation. The Liberal House leader has issued instructions to the media to regard our leader as the de facto prime minister and hold him accountable the way they would a real prime minister. The Liberals are completely consumed with their own drama teacher. It is as though they have lost the will to live. Rather than schedule a MAID appointment, the Liberals are just lying in the middle of the road, blocking traffic while Canadian commuters are stuck in the jam. This is all because they refuse to release documents they were ordered to provide by Parliament.
Refusing to listen to Parliament is a recurring pattern with the Liberals. It is very timely that the Special Committee on the Canada-People's Republic of China Relationship has tabled its report on the case of the national microbiology laboratory in Winnipeg. This is especially relevant today because it reveals a pattern of covering up for incompetence. Canadians may recall that the current government refused to hand over documents demanded by Parliament so that we could learn what actually happened at the lab. The government was so determined to ignore the will of Parliament that it took the former Liberal Speaker to court. That was an unprecedented attack on parliamentary democracy. Not only has that never happened before in Canada, but it may have also been a first for any parliamentary democracy. That is how far the Liberals were willing to go to keep the truth from Canadians.
Thanks to the Prime Minister's calling his pandemic-spreading election, all the work to hold the Liberals accountable had to be restarted. When the Liberals returned with even fewer votes and fewer seats, they had no choice but to seek a deal. The government would hand over the documents to MPs who were willing to agree to be permanently gagged about what they saw. These MPs would review the redactions the government claimed were necessary for national security; if the members disagreed with the government, the redactions would be reviewed by a panel of arbiters to determine how the information would be made public. The process was what allowed our colleagues to produce the report on what happened at the Winnipeg lab, and I want to thank the members of the committee for their work. The government had been smearing anyone who dared to ask about the lab. This report reveals that we had more than enough reasons to be concerned.
In August 2018, CSIS met with bureaucrats responsible for security at the lab. CSIS communicated its concerns about the two scientists at the centre of the controversy. The bureaucrats did nothing. In September 2018, the same bureaucrats learned that one of the scientists had been listed as inventor of a patent in China that may have contained information produced in Canada. The bureaucrats did nothing. In October 2018, the same bureaucrats learned that two individuals from China who had been sponsored to work at the national microbiology laboratory by the two disgraced scientists attempted to leave the national lab with 10 tubes in two bags.
That same month, one of the scientists took a trip to the Wuhan Institute of Virology. It was during that time that she signed up for the notorious thousand talents program. Members of that program have been arrested, tried and convicted of espionage in the United States. The program is a major pipeline for the Communists who control China to steal technology.
Near the end of October 2018, the scientist's husband tried to leave the lab with two styrofoam containers that he insisted were empty. The bureaucrats did nothing. It was not until December 11, five months after CSIS first spoke with the officials at the Public Health Agency and the national lab, that bureaucrats decided to brief the president of the Public Health Agency. What did the top public health bureaucrat do when presented with these troubling facts? She did what the current government does best: She hired some outside consultants to conduct a fact-finding study. The consultants handed in their report three months later, on March 23, 2019, and their recommendation was an administrative investigation.
While the bureaucrats were busy hiring consultants to conduct studies to recommend investigations, on March 31, the two Communist agents shipped out live samples of Ebola and henipavirus to the Wuhan Institute of Virology. It was not until the end of May 2019 that the public health bureaucrats picked up the phone and called the RCMP.
More than two months passed; the two scientists were escorted from the lab by the RCMP in July 2019. The Public Health Agency did not officially terminate their employment until January 2021. We were paying a salary to two Communist agents while the government told them to sit at home and await further instructions. Unsurprisingly, these scientist spies did not listen; they moved back to China, out of reach of Canada's legal system.
To sum it up, CSIS warned government officials of a threat posed by agents working on behalf of the Communists who control China. The senior government officials downplayed the concerns until it all blew up in their faces. No one bothered to brief the Liberals, or the Liberals did not bother to read their briefs. This is the same brand of incompetence that led to the public inquiry into foreign interference.
The Liberals ignored the warnings because they did not want to believe them. Liberals had fully bought into the belief that Russia had installed the 45th president and was plotting to do the same here in Canada, so it was easy for them to believe that someone they did not like received help from an odious regime. When the Liberals learned they were being assisted by the most odious regime on earth, the cognitive dissonance hit really hard. Taking real action would have meant admitting that they were not white knights in shining armour and, in fact, were no better than any politician they despised next door.
The Liberals reassured themselves by saying such things as “intelligence is not evidence”. It is ironic that Canadians can find no evidence of intelligence inside the government. Obviously, when talking about spies inside one of Canada's two most secure biolabs, issues of national security come into play.
That does not give the government the right to ignore Parliament, but it can explain a government's reluctance to make information public. However, what our colleagues saw was that nearly all the redactions were aimed at protecting the bureaucrats from embarrassment. Our colleagues were the ones who were gagged so that they could review the documents. The bureaucrats let spies run free in the most secure lab in Canada; they then sought to cover up their incompetence and tell the gullible Liberal ministers that, for national security reasons, the documents could not be shared.
The DEI Liberal ministers lack the intellectual fortitude to challenge their deputies, which brings us back to today and to this motion. However, there is one major difference: Nothing about the green slush fund involves national security. This is a classic case of Liberals helping to enrich Liberals. We saw it in the sponsorship scandal. In Ontario, we saw it with the Green Energy Act. When those McGuinty-Wynne Liberals were booted from office, they packed up their taxpayer-funded moving vans and came to Ottawa to run the Prime Minister's Office.
It is clear that the only reason the Liberals refuse to release the documents is that the documents would reveal the full extent of the corruption. It has left them resorting to ridiculous excuses. My favourite is the claim that the Liberal insiders have a charter right to steal taxpayers' dollars. That is the level of desperation they have descended to.
They can make as many excuses as they want. They can invent as many fake rights as they want. None of it matters. Canada will always be a parliamentary democracy and in a parliamentary democracy, the government answers to Parliament. This is not open to debate or interpretation. It is a fact. They must release the documents. While they are at it, they can release the names too. However, the Liberals will not. They will not let Canadians see the truth.
Providing the documents would make it easier for Canadians to connect the dots, including dots like the proud socialist Minister of Environment having a financial interest in a venture capital fund, like the owner of the venture capital fund sitting on the board of SDTC during this period of Liberal corruption, and like SDTC giving funds to companies that the venture capital fund had also invested in.
The Liberals were so happy with this venture capitalist's work on the SDTC board, handing money out to their friends, that the cabinet appointed her to sit on the board of the Liberal Infrastructure Bank.
The Minister of Environment's favourite capitalist came to committee and was adamant that she had always recused herself from decisions relating to companies she had interest in. She also insisted there were only two companies. Naturally, my colleagues were curious. They had a list of companies that SDTC had given funds to and a list of companies that the venture capitalist had invested in. The names that matched up on both lists were more than two, quite a bit more. The environmental activist turned venture capitalist had an explanation at hand. She simply explained that her venture capital fund only invested in the company after it had received SDTC funding. She was the longest-serving board member and sat on the project review committee. What a cozy little relationship.
The taxpayer-funded Sustainable Development Technology Corporation employees would receive applications from hundreds of companies every year. These hard-working, diligent employees reviewed the applications and filtered out the duds. After this long application process, only the most viable projects from the most viable companies were recommended by the staff at SDTC. Those recommendations went to the project review committee.
I believe the venture capitalist when she insists she followed the conflict of interest rules. She had been on the board long enough before the former minister for Rogers decided to stack the board with friends. She would not do anything to jeopardize her access to the SDTC pipeline of promising investment opportunities. Researching investment opportunities is what makes or breaks a venture capital company.
Luckily for her and her investors, like the Minister of Environment, she had taxpayers fund her research. I always thought the man the Montreal newspapers like to call the “Green Jesus of Montreal” was an odd fit for the Liberals. It must be pretty awkward for the Minister of Foreign Affairs and the Minister of Justice having to condemn the watermelon brigade protesters who come to their homes and target their families when their colleague was arrested for invading the property of former premier of Alberta Ralph Klein.
When I learned that the same man who stood in the House and declared himself to be a proud socialist was really a venture capitalist, it all made sense. He is a raging hypocrite and a perfect fit for the Liberal Party. He preaches socialism for the people but practises capitalism for himself and his well-connected Liberal friends.
For Canadians watching at home now or in the future, I ask that they consider the case of the proud socialist environment minister and his friend the venture capitalist. We have laws prohibiting public officials from conflicts of interest. We have laws against corruption. If laws were broken, the evidence will come out, if not by the current government, then by the next. What we do not have are laws preventing well-connected Liberals from taking advantage of every opportunity to enrich themselves. The Minister of Environment likes to claim all his carbon taxes will create economic opportunities. That was the same pitch Dalton McGuinty used when he brought in the Green Energy Act in Ontario.
Ontario's Auditor General found the Green Energy Act destroyed 60,000 jobs and cost ratepayers billions of dollars in extra fees. However, well-connected Liberals made a fortune by forcing industrial wind turbines down the throats of small rural communities.
As we saw with the case of the venture capitalist, she followed the conflict rules to the letter so she could continue to find promising investment opportunities at the taxpayers' expense. Those same taxpayers, hard-working Canadians, never get those same opportunities. Now the proud socialist venture capitalist, the Minister of Environment, gets richer while Canadians line up at food banks.
The government can make a show of shutting down SDTC, but in the end, it feels like we are all playing a game of Whac-a-Mole. Just as we knock down a bunch of well-connected Liberals at SDTC, new ones pop up at the Infrastructure Bank or the local journalism initiative. We know the $400 million given out at SDTC was only the tip of the iceberg, which brings us back to the motion and the amendment.
As I have explained, this is not about national security. There is no reason to withhold the documents. The government's excuses have become ridiculous. The government even claimed handing over the documents to the RCMP would violate people's rights. I would ask Canadians to think about what the government is claiming. Well-connected Liberals may have broken laws to enrich themselves.
The victims in this case are the Government of Canada and, through it, the taxpayers of Canada. Now the Liberal Party is claiming that to share evidence, the government would be victimized and it would violate the Charter rights of well-connected Liberals. Imagine if the government took this view on all crime. It would be like telling a rape victim she cannot describe the appearance of her attacker to police because it would violate his right to privacy.
While this example is meant to illustrate just how absurd the government's argument for withholding the documents is, there is probably some woke academic working on a paper arguing that reporting crime violates the rights of criminals from marginalized communities. While this idea might become part of some future Liberal platform, I have not seen or heard any policy announcement from the government that would prevent the victim of crime from providing evidence of a crime to police. For now, it is still legal for victims to report crimes against them to police.
The government's claim it cannot turn over documents to the RCMP falls apart like a wet paper straw. That means there are only two plausible scenarios for why the government refuses to hand over the documents. The first is what we will call the bio lab scenario. Just as we saw in the Winnipeg lab case, the bureaucrats were embarrassed by the fact they had allowed a couple of spies to run free in what was supposed to be one of the most secure facilities on the planet. Those bureaucrats told their political masters the documents needed to be redacted for national security and the Liberals were too incompetent to ask any tough questions.
In this situation, the bureaucrats at Industry Canada tasked with oversight of Sustainable Development Technology Canada failed at their job and do not want the public to know. These bureaucrats told their political masters the documents cannot be released because it would violate people's due process rights and the Liberal government is too incompetent to realize it is being duped. Incredibly, this first option is the best-case scenario.
The second possible option is the ad scam scenario. In this case, the documents contain evidence of criminality beyond just failures to recuse for conflicts of interest. We know the Auditor General only looked at a sample of the funds handed out by Navdeep Bains' hand-picked board members. Only the documents in the possession of the government would reveal the true scale of the government. The government cannot hand them over to the RCMP because that would only result in well-connected Liberals being arrested.
As this tired, worn-out, weak government prepares for the Hail Mary of election campaigns, the last thing it wants is a series of stories covering the trials of well-connected Liberals. Covering up for rampant criminality is objectively terrible, but it would at least rationally explain why the so-called government has abandoned governing and given up on Parliament altogether. We must never assume malice when incompetence is still an option.
Fortunately, whether the government is acting with criminality or from incompetence, the solution is the same. It is time for a carbon tax election, because only a carbon tax election can end the corruption of well-connected Liberals helping well-connected Liberals.