Mr. Speaker, after nine years, the NDP-Liberals are not worth the cost. Taxes are up, costs are up, crime is up, time is up. Now they have broken Canada's immigration system.
The Conservatives have learned that there are over three million people in Canada who need to leave by December of next year, and the government does not have a plan. When we pressed the minister on this at committee, he simply shrugged his shoulders and said that he expected people to leave voluntarily. At the same time, he also expects asylum claimants to grow.
He is talking out of both sides of his mouth. The facts are that student demonstrators have said they will not leave voluntarily and asylum claims are growing. However, the NDP-Liberal government hopes this problem will just go away. Hope is not a management plan.
The truth is that the NDP-Liberals have no plan to ensure these three million temporary residents actually leave Canada. They do not have a way to know if they have left. They will not even prevent them from staying. They will not stop them from claiming asylum. They will not even control our borders.
Simply put, the NDP-Liberals broke our immigration system and do not know how to fix it. Where is the plan?