Mr. Speaker, the Université du Québec à Montréal, or UQAM for short, has just scored a major coup by appointing Pauline Marois chancellor. This is another first for the woman who was elected Quebec's first female premier.
Throughout her impressive career serving Quebec, it was her role as education minister that Ms. Marois says she enjoyed the most, because that is where she was able to make the biggest difference. She made meaningful changes by creating, for example, a network of public early childhood centres. It was largely thanks to her efforts that Quebec women now enjoy one of the highest rates of female employment in the world.
At a time when UQAM is facing new challenges, including contributing to the revitalization of the Latin Quarter and planning to create a faculty of health sciences, the woman who describes education as “a pillar for any nation that wants to grow” is the right woman in the right place.
Well done, UQAM. Congratulations to Ms. Marois, and long live the chancellor.