Mr. Speaker, it is interesting that the NDP brought up Stephen Harper corruption. I have a booklet called “Stephen Harper, Serial Abuser of Power” on scandals and corruption. The current Conservative leader is actually mentioned in it and was, in fact, a point man on many of those issues.
Let us get back to today. What we are witnessing today is a multi-million dollar game being played by the leader of the Conservative Party. Much like when his prime minister was held in contempt of court, the leader of the official opposition is on a power trip, abusing legislative and common powers, even when he is in the opposition benches. All one needs to do is understand the game the Conservatives are playing, at great expense. Nothing has changed with the leader.
A question has been posed to the Conservatives that they do not answer directly. The Conservative leader is playing a game by putting the Conservative Party and his personal interests ahead of Canadians and not getting a security clearance. What is he hiding? What in his background is preventing him from doing the honourable thing, putting Canadians ahead of the Conservatives and getting a security clearance? Why not?