Mr. Speaker, it is not that the Conservatives proposed to vote against each of these expenditure lines; they actually did vote against them. They voted to cut those budgets in 120 areas, including the important area of CBSA. They should never be let off the hook for this.
Conservatives think Canadians are gullible. Certainly, the disapproval rates for the member for Carleton are also going up very steadily, because the more they know of him, the more they know that he has nothing to offer beyond three-word slogans and the less they like him. Therefore, we will see, over the course of the next few months, those negative results continue to climb and, as we have already seen, the support for the Conservative Party to soften. Its members do not walk the talk. They propose all of these massive cuts. They have nothing to propose that is positive except massive handouts to billionaires; quite frankly, as a party, they have failed Canadians.