Madam Speaker, that is a good question and is relevant to the subject at hand. For the Canadians watching out there, that is what a proper question to somebody across the way looks like. Instead of the Liberals' trying to obfuscate and cover up their scandals, there is a great question.
The member is very aware of the scandal-ridden government, the green slush fund and the many efforts the government has made to cover up its scandals and corruption et cetera. I know it is alarming for most Canadians, and for us as well, how long it took the Prime Minister. The minister was still sitting on the front benches for weeks under the dark clouds of the allegations, and it just kept getting worse.
There was a shift in the last week though. Normally the NDP-Liberals, when they do not want their minister to answer for something that is corrupt, they have somebody else answer the question for them. The minister had to answer the questions himself, which showed there was some erosion in the relationship between the Prime Minister and the particular minister.