Mr. Speaker, Christmas is coming as we can see today, not just because we are buried under a nice layer of snow, but because of the annual media fundraising drive.
To launch the 24th annual drive, today volunteers are collecting funds at more than 400 sites in Quebec, including Trois‑Rivières. Under the theme “La faim est si vite arrivée”, or hunger strikes quickly, this year the goal of the drive is to shed light on how anyone can be one misfortune away from food insecurity. Job loss, separation, accident or illness, no one is immune.
Since no one is immune, let us all come together this holiday season. All month long, until December 31, Quebeckers will be able to continue making contributions and food donations. On behalf of the Bloc Québécois, I encourage all of us to contribute generously to the great media fundraising drive because generosity warms the heart, even under a layer of snow.