Madam Speaker, the government has utterly failed to protect our families, our communities and our nation from extremism. Its inability to curb terrorism or secure our borders is not just a lapse. It is a betrayal of its fundamental duty. To be specific, IRCC bears a significant portion of the blame. Members can take the recent arrest of a father and son in Toronto before they could execute an advanced stage terrorist plot. The father was in an ISIS video hacking at a prisoner's arms with a sword, yet he was still given citizenship.
The government's inaction has created a dangerous vacuum. Its failures have forced civil society, religious leaders and peace-loving Canadians to stand up. I am proud to join in these efforts, and I was honoured to assist in the announcement that Toronto is the Global Imams Council's western headquarters and bear witness to the signing of the Ottawa declaration. I stand with the GIC and all who refuse to bow to hate.
The government's abrogation of its duties to protect Canadians must stop. If the government will not act, then we will. Our people deserve better.