Mr. Speaker, after eight years, the costly Bloc-Liberal coalition is not worth the cost. This coalition continues to display contempt for farmers by radically increasing the carbon tax and voting to amend our common-sense Bill C-234.
From the outset, this government has shown Canadians that it simply does not see farming as a priority. In my opinion, it is simple: no farmers, no food.
Farmers are being ignored in favour of a higher and higher carbon tax on heating their buildings, drying their grain and feeding our cities. I am talking about government regulations and taxes. As the Journal de Montréal reported this morning, carbon pricing in Quebec is adding to the cost burden faced by farmers. Unfortunately, the carbon tax is not the only thing that is crushing our farmers. The government's failure to enhance support programs for farmers is also taking a toll.
The Conservatives will continue to fight and support farmers, starting with passing Bill C-234 in its original form in order to lower the cost of food and help our farmers stay afloat.