Motion No. 19
That Bill C-50, in the preamble, be amended by replacing lines 39 and 40 on page 3 with the following:
“reduction, are committed to working in their respective areas of responsibility to ad-”
Motion No. 20
That Bill C-50, in the preamble, be amended by replacing line 40 on page 3 with the following:
“roles in their respective areas of responsibility, given an anticipated 170,000 immediate job losses and 2,700,000 other jobs which will be disrupted, to ad-”
Motion No. 21
That Bill C-50, in the preamble, be amended by replacing line 48 on page 3 with the following:
“zero economy and the creation of sustainable jobs, bearing in mind the disproportionate consequences of this transition on lndigenous peoples,”