Mr. Speaker, the month of April is dedicated to bringing awareness to Parkinson's disease.
Parkinson's is a lifelong, incurable brain disease, and no two journeys with Parkinson's are the same. In Canada, 30 individuals are diagnosed with the disease every day, and more than 100,000 people are living with it, including my wife, Barbara, and now my sister Paula. The reality for people who face a Parkinson's diagnosis is that many aspects of their lives will be disrupted. However, people living with Parkinson's can find new ambitions and joys, even many years after a diagnosis.
I am proud to support organizations such as Parkinson Canada, which are ensuring a better quality of life for those living with Parkinson's. This April, as we mark Parkinson's Awareness Month, I commit to advocating for more research, improved treatments and access to medicines and equitable care for people living with Parkinson's disease.
Together we can ensure that a full and vibrant life with Parkinson's is still possible.