Mr. Speaker, April is World Autism Month, and it is now 26 years since my son Jaden was diagnosed. Since then, I have embarked on an unanticipated lifetime of learning experiences.
For example, I have learned at home to always check for finger lines in the butter, cupcakes or just food generally. I have learned that an urgent “bababababa” in the car often means an iPhone left behind or a missed Google Maps turn. More importantly, I have learned that we tend to wrongly divide the world into people who give help and people who need help. In reality, as human beings, we are helpers or those helped at various times; sometimes, we are both at once.
Deciphering what Jaden needs or wants is often incredibly hard, but I learn much in the process of waiting on him, paying attention to his non-verbal communication and assuming he has something to say. These lessons help me in every human interaction I have. Right now, finding ways to better understand one another is something our world needs more than anything else.