Mr. Speaker, I note the member opposite talked about food bank lineups again. It is really a shame that he would not vote in support of feeding hungry children. I do not know how he can say over and again, as his party does every day in question period, that Conservatives care about the people in the food bank lineups, but they are not willing to support a national school food program. I just do not get that.
I understand that the member opposite is ideologically opposed to any action on climate change. Our government takes climate change seriously. Honestly, we have a commitment to addressing climate change because the people of Canada voted us in, in multiple elections, because they want to see climate action. Statistics have shown that the Canadian public cares about addressing climate change.
The member opposite makes it sound like we are trying to make life unaffordable. I have listed many things we have done to make life more affordable for Canadians, to address inflation and to invest in building a sustainable future.