Mr. Speaker, federal contaminated sites are located on land owned or leased by the federal government, or on land where the federal government has accepted responsibility for the contamination. The Government of Canada has taken action through the federal contaminated sites action plan, FCSAP, and remains committed to properly managing those contaminated sites for which it is responsible. Through the FCSAP, National Defence is investing resources to clean up historical contamination and minimize future environmental impact from military activities.
Per the annually updated federal contaminated sites Inventory, there are 4,455 active sites, of which 944 are identified as low priority for action, including Camp Bouchard. As a low priority for action site, Camp Bouchard is not a risk to human health and safety. There is currently no ongoing soil contamination at Camp Bouchard, and a timeline for remediation has not yet been determined. The site’s groundwater quality is also periodically tested, with the last tests conducted in 2020, 2021, and 2022.