Mr. Speaker, June is Men’s Mental Health Awareness Month. It is often said that we do not talk about or acknowledge men's health and wellness often enough. I tend to agree. I also agree that change depends on us and it needs to start with men.
First of all, there is a stigma surrounding men’s mental health. Many men feel as though they cannot reach out for help when they need it due to some societal expectations of masculinity. This must change. Mental health care is health care and men ought to feel more comfortable talking about our health, our mental health, our struggles and our challenges. We all have them. “Guys, let us speak up.”
I recently joined Dr. Leigh Vanderloo, the scientific director at ParticiPACTION and host Buzz Bishop on his “Don't Change Much” podcast with the Canadian Men's Health Foundation to chat about how important movement is for our minds and bodies and just to talk about men's health. Let us do that through this month and ongoing.
Since I might not get a chance to say it next week, I wish a happy Father's Day to all the dads and granddads out there.