Mr. Speaker, imagine living in a rural community like Merritt or Princeton, British Columbia. People work hard, pay their taxes, but see little return from Ottawa.
In 2021, these communities were devastated by massive floods. The Prime Minister told them that he had their backs: ministers visit, telling them to hang tight for their new disaster mitigation adaptation fund; the municipalities apply, jump through every hoop, spending hundreds of thousands in engineering studies, only to be denied. Adding insult to injury, communities that never experienced flooding or fires are receiving funds, while Merritt and Princeton are left behind.
Every member here should know that the people in these communities are angry at these broken commitments. It has gotten so bad that Merritt has created an e-petition, calling on the government to honour its promises. I encourage all concerned citizens to support petition e-5135.
If being Canadian means anything, it means looking after one another. I would remind the Prime Minister that it is never too late to do the right thing for Merritt and for Princeton.