Mr. Speaker, after nine years of the NDP-Liberal government, taxes are up, costs are up, crime is up and time is up.
The Prime Minister wants to quadruple the carbon tax, but to appease his new unelected finance minister, Mark “carbon tax” Carney, he is implementing a second carbon tax that will cost Canadians another $9 billion on top of the already $25 billion that the carbon tax is costing.
Costs are also up due to carbon tax addiction and government corruption. Carbon tax Carney stands to benefit moments after his new appointment from the latest government announcement, a $10 billion handout to his firm, Brookfield, that will further line his pockets with taxpayer money.
It does not stop there. Carbon tax Carney is part of Telesat, which just got over $2 billion to build broadband access that the private sector could have done for half the cost.
Thankfully, time is up. With Liberal scandals passing each day, Canadians are beyond tired and frustrated with the corrupt Prime Minister. Canadians are ready to change the NDP-Liberal government with one that will axe the tax, build the homes, fix the budget and stop the crime.