Madam Speaker, tomorrow is the day that Canadians finally have the opportunity to go to an election. We are having a confidence vote tomorrow in the House. There is a real opportunity for Canadians to finally voice their concerns at the ballot box. Many Canadians have been waiting years for this opportunity, and we are at a critical time in Canadian history.
Many members on this side of the House have talked about the promise of Canada, and I too would like to talk about the promise of Canada that I was raised with.
I was raised with stories about my ancestors, the prairie pioneers who came here well over 120 years ago with barely five dollars in their pockets. They worked extremely hard and were able to buy small plots of land. They worked their butts off. They lost many of their children along the way, whether it was from the flu or farming accidents, but they had the opportunity and dream that if they worked hard and made sacrifices, the next generation would be better off. That has been true for every single generation over the last 120 years that my family has been here, until now.
Every single generation has had the opportunity to be better off because of the hard work of their parents and grandparents. However, today, half of my generation, for example, will never be able to afford a home, and to the generation after us, good luck.
We see over two million people going to food banks every month in this country. The breadlines have returned in Canada after nine years of the Liberal government. That is what we are facing in this country as a result of the Liberals' punitive carbon tax and the massive deficits that have driven up inflation. People can no longer afford to live.
Do members know that food banks are seeing for the first time in Canadian history full-time working parents who cannot afford to feed their families? There are 35-year-olds, fully-educated, and working young people living in their parents basements because they cannot afford homes in the neighbourhoods they grew up in. This has never been the case in Canada, ever. However, this is what has happened after nine years of failed Liberal policies. Big government is here to help, but everything has been ruined by the Liberals.
We see time and time again that they are being supported by the NDP and the Bloc. I would urge the NDP and the Bloc to vote non-confidence tomorrow, to step up, have some courage and give Canadians the hope they deserve that change is on the horizon. That can happen tomorrow.
The Conservatives will be voting non-confidence in the Liberal government tomorrow. We are proud to do so.