Mr. Speaker, I would like to recognize Stéphane Grenier's 20 years of dedicated service on La Piaule's board of directors, as well as his unwavering commitment to helping the less fortunate in Val‑d’Or.
Thanks to him, La Piaule has been able to expand and provide vital support to many people in need. His leadership, kindness and determination have helped our community become more united and inclusive. Through his actions, Stéphane has shown that it is possible to really make a difference. He has listened to, supported and defended the rights of the most vulnerable members of society, while putting in place the resources necessary to meet the challenges facing our community. He has always been present on the ground, where needs are most keenly felt, whether it was to provide a meal, comfort a person in distress or simply lend an listening ear. Thanks to him, many major projects have seen the light of day in Val‑d’Or, including the Château de Marie‑Ève.
Stéphane is an example to us all. What he has accomplished reminds us of the importance of acting out of love and working together. I thank him for everything.