Mr. Speaker, section 100 of the Constitution Act of 1867 requires that the salaries and allowances of the federally appointed judiciary be established by Parliament. In the last Parliament, on May 20, 2005, Bill C-51, an act to amend the Judges Act, the Federal Courts Act and other acts, was introduced into the House of Commons by the former minister of justice.
This former Bill C-51 died on the order paper last fall when three opposition parties brought down the former government on a non-confidence vote. Bill C-51 included a number of court-related reforms as well as the expansion of the unified family courts across the country. The judicial salaries and benefits of the former government's response set out in Bill C-51 was essentially an implementation of the McLennan Commission's recommendations.
Bill C-17, being discussed today, came to be since the new government tabled a different response to the same McLennan Commission. The new Conservative government chose to remove some of the policy sections regarding the unified family court section that were of great interest to some provinces including Newfoundland, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia and Ontario. Also, inclusion of the section relating to prothonotaries, officers of the court who exercise judicial and quasi-judicial functions, were deleted.
This is the prerogative of the government. It can choose not to deal with these pressing issues at this time, but hopefully it will deal with them shortly.
The establishment of judicial compensation is governed by constitutional principles. These principles are designed to ensure public confidence in the independence and impartiality of the judiciary.
The Supreme Court of Canada in the “Reference re Remunerations of Judges of the Provincial Court, P.E.I.” has established a constitutional requirement for an independent, objective and effective commission whose purpose it is to depoliticize the process of judicial remuneration and thereby preserve judicial independence.
In essence, the judicial compensation commission makes non-binding recommendations to government and within a reasonable period of time the government must respond publicly. Any government which rejects or modifies a recommendation must provide a justification for the departure that meets the standard of rationality. What is this test of rationality?
In Bodner v. Alberta, the court stated that governments may modify or reject commission recommendations provided that the following questions are addressed:
(1) Has the government articulated a legitimate reason for departing from the commission’s recommendations?
(2) Do the government’s reasons rely upon a reasonable factual foundation? and
(3) Viewed globally, has the commission process been respected and have the purposes of the commission — preserving judicial independence and depoliticizing the setting of judicial remuneration — been achieved?
In 1998 the Judges Act was amended to provide for a Judicial Compensation and Benefits Commission. This was set up so that every four years we could look at the adequacy of judicial compensation and benefits.
The express criteria which are to govern not only the commission's consideration, but also that of the government and Parliament who ultimately make the final determination are: a) the prevailing economic conditions in Canada, including the cost of living and the overall economic and financial position of the federal government; b) the role of financial security of the judiciary in ensuring judicial independence; c) the need to attract outstanding candidates to the judiciary; and d) any other objective criteria that the commission considers relevant.
The independent commission is intended to remove decisions concerning the amount of judges' remuneration from the political sphere and to avoid confrontation between governments and our judiciary.
Under the parliamentary procedural rule the government has utilized today, Bill C-17 will go to committee before second reading. Thus there is more latitude. The committee then can study and call witnesses on the bill. It is important to note here that only the government can provide the necessary royal recommendation which would be required to increase any financial aspect of the bill. Amendments increasing financial parts of the bill are thus ineffective without the government action on a royal recommendation and that is important.
The Conservative government in Bill C-17 decreased the amount of compensation from that recommended by the independent commission. The government says that it has taken the overall financial and economic position of the government into account.
Canadians understand that the government, unlike many new governments in the past in this country, was left with a very healthy surplus. We still have a good economy as is the pay of private practice and other lawyers who can be called to the bench. That was utilized as a part of the reasoning.
The judiciary is doing its work for all Canadians. It deserves our support. Compensation for any sector of our population is a difficult area to discuss. Negotiations on judicial remuneration between the judiciary and the executive and legislature are not allowed. That is, judges cannot directly negotiate with the government. For the judiciary to engage in salary negotiations would undermine public confidence in the impartiality and the independence of the judiciary.
The three commissioners did hard work on behalf of all Canadians to set the appropriate rate. They received numerous submissions, including the public, organizations and different levels of government.
This commission advertised in 48 newspapers in Canada, having national, regional and local coverage, inviting written submissions from Canadians. The commissioners held two days of public hearings. They also retained their own consultants to assist in their deliberations. We must thank the commissioners for their very hard work. They covered not only areas of pay but other subjects like the division of the judicial annuity when a judge's conjugal relationship breaks down.
The Canadian public does understand that we need an independent judiciary. The respect with which we accord our judiciary is a key factor in the strength and stability of our nation. Our tradition of judicial independence is not only an important element in this country's democratic framework, it alone provides a model from which others can take hope and from which they can learn. Other countries look at our judiciary and justice system as a model.
An independent judiciary is a fundamental part of the Canadian democracy. Its independence must be respected and we look forward to some progress being made on this file by the government.
Our party feels it is highly inappropriate to attack the independence of the Canadian judiciary. Since the government has come to power, there seems to be a pattern that challenges the judiciary. Judges exercise their discretion and judgment every day across Canada. They take the law provided by this Parliament, hear the facts, and apply the law. Increasingly and rapidly the government is introducing legislation that seeks to limit judicial discretion.
In this Parliament, we have heard members opposite make comments, even regarding the Supreme Court Chief Justice, which ultimately caused a member his post as chair of the standing committee on aboriginal affairs.
Most suprisingly for us on this side of the House was the silence of the Attorney General of Canada, who normally would defend these judges who cannot speak for themselves. In fact, it is becoming common for the minister to make comments in public speeches which do not accord the judiciary the respect it deserves. This is different from the norm in Canada, certainly from the post of the highest law officer in the land.
Many people form impressions of individual cases from media reports without hearing all the facts. They often never hear of the appeals of decisions that occur when one side wishes to challenge the outcome. That appeal court story is often not written.
The system of justice in our country has excellent checks and balances that have been developed over years. We should never confuse our motives for one thing to attack another unrelated situation.
Today we debate a bill that will have impact on those in the judiciary. This has been long awaited. I trust that in our discussion we will remember that judicial independence is important to our society. In the context of financial security, courts must not only be free, but also appear to be free from political interference through economic manipulation.
Thus we end where I started, referring to the role of the judicial compensation commissions, a role interposed between the judiciary and the other branches of government. We now wait to see how the government responds to this challenge. We will be here later tonight when the bill, I understand, will go to committee before second reading.
With that in mind, I listened to the hon. Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Justice. He knows very well, as I have explained it to him in the past, my concerns about the need for a royal recommendation with respect to amendments in committee. I hope that he can make that clear over the course of our debate in the future. We will be respectful in this process.