Crucial Fact

  • Her favourite word was fact.

Last in Parliament November 2005, as Liberal MP for Edmonton Centre (Alberta)

Lost her last election, in 2006, with 39% of the vote.

health care systemfactrelationlet me reassureprovincial and territorialyouth justiceprovince of quebecprovinces and territoriescriminal codepublicensuremadeindicatedsafetyreviewfederalworkingcrimecourtyoungawarecommittedclearoppositionpoliceprocessmatterrcmpsecurityhumanplainsidefirearmsgeneralcommitmentyesterdayoffendersofficialsministersenergyresourcesterrorist

Statements in the House

Churchill Falls September 23rd, 1996

Mr. Speaker, as undoubtedly the hon. member knows, there is a contract in place between the Governments of Newfoundland and Quebec. This is a contract dispute that has been ongoing for some time. The federal government is not a party to that contract. Therefore it would be singularly inappropriate for the federal government to interfere in what we hope is the successful resolution of points of disagreement between the two contracting parties.

Atomic Energy Of Canada Limited June 20th, 1996

Let me explain to the hon. member that the CANDU reactor business in foreign markets is a highly competitive one.

AECL puts together a consortium on the basis of partners who provide the most competitive bids in the circumstances. Canatom, like any other company in this country, has the right to bid, to participate. Canatom has a long and lengthy history in the nuclear business in this country and I am sure it will receive much work in the future.

Atomic Energy Of Canada Limited June 20th, 1996

Mr. Speaker, let me clarify to the hon. member that I did not say I was not interested in AECL and the restructuring that it is forced to go through like every other company, be it a crown corporation or a private corporation in this country.

What I said was that the government has an arm's length relationship with crown corporations such as AECL and we do not involve ourselves in the day to day running or management of AECL.

The Environment June 19th, 1996

Mr. Speaker, climate change is one of the world's most pressing environmental challenges and the hon. members of the Reform Party do not want to listen.

The Environment June 19th, 1996

Mr. Speaker, what I would like to do is clarify the exact commitment made by the Government of Canada. We made a commitment at Rio to stabilize greenhouse gas emissions to 1990 levels by the year 2000.

The hon. member is right, but in the red book we talk about working with other stakeholders. We talk about working with the provinces, the municipal governments and other important stakeholders to attempt to go beyond stabilization and to reduce greenhouse gases further.

Let me assure the hon. member we are doing just that and NRCan takes its leadership role very seriously in this regard. We run-

Atomic Energy Of Canada Limited June 18th, 1996

Mr. Speaker, again let me assure the hon. member that a thriving, vibrant private sector as it supports the CANDU reactor sales will continue in the province of Quebec and in Montreal.

Let me share with the hon. member some of the companies that benefit: Canatom; Dominion Bridge-Sulzer; GEC Alsthom; Velan Engineering; CAE Electronics; Lefebvre Frères-

Atomic Energy Of Canada Limited June 18th, 1996

Mr. Speaker, not at all. The hon. member should know about her own private sector high tech community in Quebec and in particular in the Montreal region.

There are companies that have and will continue to benefit on the sale of more CANDU reactors. I can assure the hon. member we estimate that for the sale of every CANDU 6 reactor a minimum of $100 million worth of benefits go to the Montreal economy and over 4,000 person years of jobs are created. In fact, I have much more confidence in the private sector in Quebec than you do apparently.

Atomic Energy Of Canada Limited June 18th, 1996

Mr. Speaker, let me assure the hon. member that this government is always concerned with the implications of necessary budget cuts. It is always concerned about the implications of those cuts for individuals and their jobs.

Let me reiterate that AECL has had its budget cut, its direct subsidy from the taxpayer of Canada, from $172 million to $100 million. It has to go through the same process of program review, of restructuring and downsizing, as the government and other crown corporations.

I acknowledge to the hon. member that the decisions which ultimately will be made by AECL will be difficult ones but as I say, AECL will make public the information on which those decisions are based. I have no doubt that the business case will be made.

Atomic Energy Of Canada Limited June 18th, 1996

Mr. Speaker, the potential decision to which the hon. member refers is not one made by the Minister of Natural Resources. It is one made by AECL, a crown corporation in an arm's length relationship with the Government of Canada. We do not micromanage AECL.

I presume that AECL will make the best decisions it can within its budgetary constraints based on the best information it has. I am sure that information will be made public.

Questions On The Order Paper June 13th, 1996

The total annual reductions in CO2 emissions, to the year 2000, associated with federal energy efficiency regulations for incandescent and fluorescent lamps are estimated to be:

Year Annual Reductions in CO2 (Megatonnes)

1996 2.6

1997 3.7

1998 3.6

1999 4.2

2000 5.3

Reductions in CO2 emissions were not calculated by lamp type (i.e. incandescent and fluorescent), rather they were calculated based on total energy savings of all lamps affected by the regulations. However, it is estimated that approximately 80 per cent of

annual energy savings associated with the regulations would be attributed to fluorescent lamps. In this regard, it would be reasonable to assume that approximately 80 per cent of the total annual reduction in CO2 would be attributed to fluorescent lamps.