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Crucial Fact

  • His favourite word was billion.

Last in Parliament March 2008, as Liberal MP for Willowdale (Ontario)

Won his last election, in 2006, with 55% of the vote.

Statements in the House

Canada Pension Plan November 18th, 1997

Mr. Speaker, talking in terms of fairness, this is the party that had no plans to deal with the $600 billion of unfunded liabilities in this plan. It then finally comes along and the hon. critic who has just spoken says “there is a mess and we need to look at perhaps paying some of the unfunded liability out of general tax revenues”. She was then muzzled. We have taken the responsible course. It was something we did in consultation with the provinces.

Our senior citizens can rest assured that they have an indexed pension—

Canada Pension Plan November 18th, 1997

Mr. Speaker, we acted after 15 years of inaction. We were the government that was able to work with the provinces to put the Canada pension plan on a sustainable basis. If we had not acted, the premiums would have gone to over 14%.

None of us like tax increases, but more than anything else we have sustained the viability of the Canada pension plan and we are proud of it.

Taxation November 18th, 1997

Mr. Speaker, we will work in a responsible way to bring down taxes because we know that Canada of all G-7 countries has one of the highest rates of personal income tax. We will not sacrifice our efforts to reduce the deficit and to bring down our debt just because this party is calling for a tax cut.

This is a party that has called for getting rid of the GST. This is a party that is calling for cutting payroll taxes. This is a party that is calling for the cutting of CPP premiums. We have to be responsible—

Taxation November 18th, 1997

I am very pleased that we have taken a step by not bringing in wholesale tax cuts in the way the opposition wanted. That would have put our fiscal deficit out of reach. We have done the responsible thing and we will introduce a tax cut only when it can be sustained—

Taxation November 18th, 1997

Mr. Speaker, members on this side of the House are very familiar with the fact that our income taxes are very high. When we have the appropriate measures—

Customs Act November 18th, 1997

moved that Bill C-18, an act to amend the Customs Act and the Criminal Code, be read the second time and referred to a committee.

Customs Tariff November 18th, 1997

Mr. Speaker, I commend the hon. member for his excellent insights into this issue which is so important to Canadians.

Customs Tariff November 18th, 1997

moved that the bill be read the third time and passed.

Customs Tariff November 18th, 1997

moved that the bill be concurred in.

(Motion agreed to)

Supply November 6th, 1997

Mr. Speaker, I must agree with the hon. member from Quebec who just said that in an ideal world things would be different. In an ideal world nobody would smoke.

This being said, I would like to add two things to his comments. True, the Government of Quebec does not give rebates to companies for their input taxes, which amount to $500 million, but this is the fault of the Government of Quebec and an indication—