House of Commons photo

Crucial Fact

  • His favourite word was fredericton.

Last in Parliament September 2008, as Liberal MP for Fredericton (New Brunswick)

Won his last election, in 2006, with 42% of the vote.

Statements in the House

Committees of the House December 5th, 2001

Mr. Speaker, I have the honour to present, in both official languages, the ninth report of the Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights.

Pursuant to its order of reference of Wednesday, September 26, the committee has considered Bill C-15B, an act to amend the Criminal Code (cruelty to animals and firearms) and the Firearms Act and has agreed to report it with amendment. I thank members of the committee and staff for great work in very short order.

Volunteers November 28th, 2001

Mr. Speaker, volunteers play a special role in the riding of Fredericton. Their contributions were recently recognized at a special year of the volunteer ceremony at which 50 people and organizations were presented with certificates and 10 were awarded medals.

Congratulations to the 10 medal recipients: Erin Cooke, Margie Cummings, Dr. Bill MacGillivary, Peter Thomas, the Harvest Jazz and Blues Festival, the New Brunswick Film Co-op, Ted Gaudet, Ann Passmore, Arthur and Patsy Kitchen, and the Multicultural Association of Fredericton. Special thanks to Monika Zauhar and her selection committee, the Greater Fredericton Economic Development Corporation, for their support and in particular the lieutenant-governor for hosting the event at Old Government House.

I thank the Royal Canadian Mint for its initiative in producing the beautiful medals in this special year. Congratulations to all volunteers for the value they add to Canada.

Committees of the House November 22nd, 2001

Mr. Speaker, I have the honour to present, in both official languages, the eighth report of the Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights.

Pursuant to the order of reference of Thursday, October 18, the committee has considered Bill C-36, an act to amend the Criminal Code, the Official Secrets Act, the Canada Evidence Act, the Proceeds of Crime (Money Laundering) Act and other acts, and to enact measures respecting the registration of charities, in order to combat terrorism, and has agreed to report it with amendment.

I wish to thank the minister, her officials and officials from a number of departments who were involved in this process, committee members from all parties who participated most graciously in this exercise, members from the other house and their committee who informed our deliberations, witnesses who appeared in both places, the people in the ridings of all members who participated in this exercise, because it was a lengthy and a busy one, and, finally, the staff who supported the committee in a different kind of exercise and did it with great competence. We thank them all.

Committees of the House November 1st, 2001

Mr. Speaker, I have the honour to present, in both official languages, the seventh report of the Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights pursuant to the order of reference of Wednesday, September 26, in relation to Bill C-15B, an act to amend the criminal code and the Firearms Act.

The committee requests a one week extension to December 6 to report the bill back to the House of Commons.

Committees of the House October 24th, 2001

Mr. Speaker, I have the honour to present, in both official languages, the fifth report of the Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights.

Pursuant to Standing Order 108, your committee has considered the proposals for a miscellaneous statute law amendment act, 2001 and recommends that the following articles not be included in the act: 5, 7, 8, 38, 59, 75, 76, 77, 105 and 106, given that articles 33 and 34 have already been withdrawn by the responsible department.

Persons Case October 18th, 2001

Mr. Speaker, I am pleased to rise in the House today to congratulate this year's recipients of the Governor General's award in commemoration of the Persons Case. The six women who have been honoured for helping achieve greater equality between women and men have all made a significant difference in the lives of women.

This year's recipients are Vera Danyluk, Linda Silver Dranoff, Kathleen Mahoney, Lynda Sorensen, Anila Umar, and Madeleine Gaudet of Fredericton of whom I am particularly proud. Madeleine is a good friend and a deserving candidate. A minute does not allow me to begin to describe her many accomplishments.

All the individuals being honoured today have fought for women in all walks of life and are role models for all of us.

Committees of the House October 5th, 2001

Madam Speaker, I have the honour to present, in both official languages, the fifth report of the Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights.

Pursuant to its order of reference of Wednesday, September 26, 2001, the committee has considered Bill C-15A, an act to amend the criminal code and to amend other acts, and has agreed to report it with amendments.

Committees of the House October 3rd, 2001

Mr. Speaker, I have the honour of presenting, in both official languages, the fourth report of the Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights.

Pursuant to its order of reference of Wednesday, September 26, 2001, the committee has considered Bill C-15, an act to amend the criminal code and to amend other acts, and has agreed to report that it has been divided into two bills.

Dr. Everett Chalmers Hospital October 3rd, 2001

Mr. Speaker, I am delighted to rise in the House today to wish the Dr. Everett Chalmers Hospital of Fredericton a happy 25th birthday. Named after a prominent Fredericton physician and Progressive Conservative cabinet minister, the DECH has played a vitally important role in our community. Today this regional hospital provides services to over 150,000 New Brunswickers.

In the spirit of the International Year of the Volunteer I thank all the people who have volunteered at the hospital over the last 25 years. I also thank John McGarry, president and CEO; Bob Simpson, chair of the board; and all those who have served on the hospital board prior to the regionalization of medical services in the province and on the regional board since for their commitment to the hospital and our citizens.

I congratulate the DECH for 25 years of meeting the health needs of the people of Fredericton.

Harvest Jazz and Blues Festival September 20th, 2001

Mr. Speaker, I rise to pay tribute to the organizers and entertainers of the 11th Harvest Jazz and Blues Festival which took place in Fredericton from September 12 to 16. This year's event, which had over 50,000 people in attendance, was a true test of the festival's strength due to the tragic events in the United States.

After considerable contemplation the festival went forward with taste, respect, and provided a much needed diversion in our community during a time of pain, shock and horror.

This speaks to the quality of leadership in the organization, the flexibility of the volunteers and the generosity of the entertainers, many having pulled double duty due to the fact that other groups could not fly into Fredericton.

I thank them on behalf of the people of Fredericton who found some normalcy in a world we did not recognize.