House of Commons photo

Crucial Fact

  • His favourite word was fredericton.

Last in Parliament September 2008, as Liberal MP for Fredericton (New Brunswick)

Won his last election, in 2006, with 42% of the vote.

Statements in the House

Apec Summit October 9th, 1998

Mr. Speaker, I feel very, very strongly about civilian oversight in the public complaints commission. I received the request for funding earlier this week and it is being considered right now.

Solicitor General Of Canada October 9th, 1998

Mr. Speaker, all week long I have been suggesting that the allegations that have been made were based on inaccurate information. I have said it many times in response to many questions and I say it again.

Solicitor General Of Canada October 9th, 1998

Mr. Speaker, as I said, the allegations that have been put I have responded to. It has been supported. I am very confident in my position in this regard. I wish the hon. members would get on with the nation's business.

Apec Summit October 9th, 1998

Mr. Speaker, as I said, information that would be acquired through an operational exercise by the RCMP or any other agency under my responsibility is operational. I would not be privy to that. I would not be involved in that. That is the reason that I have denied the fact that I have received that information in that fashion.

Apec Summit October 9th, 1998

Mr. Speaker, we received a request earlier this week for additional funding for the students. That request is being considered at this time.

Solicitor General Of Canada October 9th, 1998

Mr. Speaker, the questions that we have heard all week are based on the inaccurate notes of an eavesdropper. I responded to the allegations that were put. My response was supported by the person with whom I was having the conversation. As I said earlier, I do not think Canadians take kindly to these tactics. They are unfamiliar in Canada and unworthy of the hon. member.

Solicitor General Of Canada October 9th, 1998

Mr. Speaker, as I said earlier, this whole exercise beyond the first day's allegations and my response is pure political theatre.

I think the hon. members do a discredit to this House and I will not participate.

Solicitor General Of Canada October 9th, 1998

Mr. Speaker, as I have said, I would not be involved in an operational activity in the RCMP. I would not be aware of that information. I was not aware of that information as it relates to any particular investigation. That is the fact.

Solicitor General Of Canada October 9th, 1998

Quite the contrary, Mr. Speaker. The questions all week have been based on the notes that were taken by an eavesdropper in a noisy aircraft a seat and a half away.

I think this is a tactic unfamiliar to Canadians and one that Canadians will reject.

Solicitor General Of Canada October 9th, 1998

Mr. Speaker, I think the most important thing to consider in terms of the credibility of the person sitting beside me was the fact that he was sitting beside me and not an aisle and a half away.