Mr. Speaker, state sanctioned discrimination is prominent in Canada under the code names of employment equity and affirmative action. Supporters of these programs hide behind subterfuge and politically correct rhetoric in order to mask their true intent. In fact, employment equity quotas are as insulting and offensive to those they purport to help as they are to those against whom they discriminate.
Hiring quotas based on race or gender imply that members of target groups are somehow inferior and therefore incapable of competing on a level playing field. Such programs foster suspicion and resentment, and rob us all of dignity and self-worth.
Affirmative action programs breed resentment and suspicion among co-workers, and these hiring quotas foment inequality and bitterness in society at large. That is because of an inescapable universal truth which is that it is not possible to discriminate in favour of someone because of their race or gender without discriminating against someone else because of theirs.
Affirmative action and employment equity programs are inherently unfair, they violate the principles of equality and merit based hiring, and they must therefore be stopped.