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Crucial Fact

  • His favourite word was victims.

Last in Parliament November 2005, as Conservative MP for Abbotsford (B.C.)

Won his last election, in 2004, with 61% of the vote.

Statements in the House

Crtc October 28th, 1994

Mr. Speaker, the Globe and Mail reports this morning that the only reason the minister of heritage responded to the inappropriateness of his blatant intervention into the CRTC application was that a member of the Greek community in Montreal wrote to complain after discovering the intervention letter in the file.

Yesterday, when my staff went through that file, there was a letter from Mr. Mike Pattichis complaining strongly about the application but there was no letter from the minister of heritage, nor was there the other letter from Mr. Pattichis which we suspect is the original complaint.

I would like to ask the Minister of Canadian Heritage where those letters are and why they are missing from the file.

Crtc October 27th, 1994

Mr. Speaker, the answer was so short I must have missed it. I presume he said yes.

In an intervention letter complaining that the same type of application was turned down only four months previously, there were serious allegations of impropriety on the part of the applicant, specifically that he failed to report under oath his complete holdings in a communications company when he declared bankruptcy in July 1992.

Could the minister explain how this applicant, who he supports, cleared his name from the bankruptcy file in only one year and surfaced as a major shareholder of a new company?

Crtc October 27th, 1994

I would like to ask the Minister of Canadian Heritage whether he maintains that this entire affair is still above board?

Crtc October 27th, 1994

Mr. Speaker, I do not think the Prime Minister looked carefully enough. In support of his application to the CRTC is a letter from the Greek National Bank. I will just quote from that letter.

"Any services extended towards Mr. Daniilidis will be greatly appreciated". This letter also comments on how honest and capable the applicant is.

Now this same Greek National Bank is listed as a contributor to the campaign of the Minister of Canadian Heritage.

Department Of Canadian Heritage Act October 27th, 1994

I hear it is toast. It probably has not made enough money but I know it had $3.3 million given to it a few years ago and that was not enough of the taxpayers' money to keep it profitable perhaps so maybe we should have given it some more. I do not know how the bureaucrats are thinking these days.

We gave $46,000 of your taxpayer money to assist artists in the presentation of music in non-traditional spaces. We really have to wonder about the logic behind this kind of thinking. Why would they give any money at all in a grant like this one? The topic is so stupid it defies any kind of logical conclusion. Perhaps we should meld that with another interactive gesture and see what we think of it.

We know Hurtig Publishers gets lots of money, or had lots of money. I do not know about recently but I know in the past it has.

Under bilingualism there is grant after grant. I asked a question in the House in the last session about the $5,000 grant to the Canadian Kennel Club. This is very interesting. I received an answer that it is all right, that it is only $5,000. That is taxpayers' money. I got a letter from the Canadian Kennel Club and it was really unhappy with the question I asked because it felt it should have the money to support its bilingualism program of whatever it was.

In the letter it told me it had a budget of around $4 million. I wrote back to it and said: "Wait a minute here. If you have a budget of $4 million why do you need $5,000 of taxpayers' money? What is the purpose?"

The real idea is that most of these organizations if not all of them do not need the money. It is being made available by governments like this so that they can spend on it for whatever reason and much of it is very much unaccountable. Do we want to preserve the ideas of the government?

Do we want to support the government? It is like supporting that other government from Jurassic Park. That is what it is. If the government keeps spending money the way it is doing and blowing it out the door it too will join Jurassic Park just like its brothers.

Department Of Canadian Heritage Act October 27th, 1994

I do not know if the Montreal Museum of Humour is still in business.

Department Of Canadian Heritage Act October 27th, 1994

"On or off" my colleague says. That is another study. It is only $10,800 to find out what they think about Christmas lights so maybe we can spend another $10,000 to find out what they like if they are off, and another $10,000 to find out what they are like if they are on, and if they are different sizes. The government could think of all kinds of ways to spend our money.

Although we sort of jest about it, it is kind of sick to think about what this government is doing and the government before it because there is no difference between the Conservatives and the Liberals.

Department Of Canadian Heritage Act October 27th, 1994

Let us have a look. Here is an interesting dollar spent out of a department, $10,800 to finance a poll-this is just to finance the poll; we have to find out what people think of it-to find out what Canadians thought about Christmas lights. Really, that is important.

Department Of Canadian Heritage Act October 27th, 1994

Mr. Speaker, what a pleasure it is to speak to Bill C-53.

My, my, my, what a surprise. I thought we were through with all of this patronage with the new government and we are right back to where we started from, all the things we believed in year after year in the country and we are back to where we started.

Lots of times we are asked what the difference is between Liberal patronage and Conservative patronage. The answer is there really is not any difference other than the Liberals have more of it.

Here we are already a little over a year into their term as government and let us have a look at what kind of patronage we are talking about. There are three Liberal Party hacks given jobs to age 75 with the Senate. It is who you know and who you support with this same old traditional party. That is what it is all about, is it not?

One of the recent occurrences I had in my riding was chasing a fellow by the name of José Salinas Mendoza who skipped out due to the incompetence of the immigration department. One of the interesting patronage appointments there which is so indicative of the government is a fellow who was working on the Liberal campaign in 1993 who just happened to donate some money to the party, who just happened to be appointed to the refugee board, who just happened to be a lawyer for José Salinas Mendoza.

How does the government figure all this out? How does it get so convoluted and so entwined in its own party politics, in its own rhetoric, that it keeps appointing people to these kinds of things?

Let us look at our latest boondoggle by the minister of heritage. We have actually caught him in the act of a minister supporting an application for an individual in his riding. How blatant can one get? The reason this is blatant is that these appointments are going on without the community out there, without the people of Canada getting a grasp on exactly what is happening with these political parties; without the people of Canada complaining about these three Liberal Party hacks in the Senate, without the people of Canada complaining about refugee board appointments, about parole board appointments, about immigration adjudicator appointments. We cannot stop this.

Today we are going to ask if we can probably put an end to it by showing the government that the minister should step down. If he could step down maybe the Prime Minister might be looked upon by the bulk of the Canadian people as being forceful, as being a leader of integrity, one who believes in the importance of receiving and approving applications and appointing people to government positions on the basis of merit, on the basis of their qualifications, and not on the basis of whom you know and to whom you donate money.

I have a long list of failed Liberal candidates who donated to this party over here and it looks like a who's who on the list of patronage. I guess that is just how to do it. That is the reward, that is the pie in the sky if you support this party. Maybe you will get the plum, the biggest plum of the Senate, and then you get all these other paid plums down from the Liberal Party. They are all there.

One of the Liberal members wants me to read the list. I have not the time to read the list, it is too long. I only have 10 minutes.

Heritage is something we want to preserve. In the year 2010 and the year 2020 one would presume that we would want to preserve the heritage of 1994. I have to ask: Are we proud enough of what is going on in the country today with the government to preserve it?

I think as we go along with the government we are going to find that when the Reform Party government is in we will not need that department of heritage down the road in the year 2020 because we will not be very proud of what the government is doing today.

The real heritage in the country is where our people come from, what we are preserving of our language and our culture, our parks, all of that kind of heritage. I am not very proud of what is going on with the government today.

I just want to look at a bit of heritage and talk about some of the taxpayer dollars that have been going into the pet projects of governments like this one, from departments of the minister of cultural heritage.

Let us look at some of the simple little dollars that were spent and what they were spent on. A couple of hundred thousand dollars to study religious and historical practice among northern Malagasy speakers is important to the Canadian taxpayer, is it not? That is the kind of money these people spend. Those are taxpayer dollars being spent on their pet peeves. It does not make any sense at all.

Twenty-one thousand dollars was spent on experimental studies of interactive gestures. We can imagine what kind of interactive gestures we have for the government. It should study a few of those.

Let us find the bureaucrats who want to spend $58,000 from the department on an experiment of what it is like to work for the Dominion grocery stores. There is an important issue on which to spend taxpayer dollars. What do you have to do to pay $58,000? In the country today you probably have to earn $120,000 minimum. For anyone out there who made $120,000, or any family out there that made a combination of that, the grant that was spent on what it is like to work for the Dominion grocery stores is one whole year of that family's total income tax.

Whoever authorizes such grants as this should be fired. There is no question in my mind. If that were my organization and I found that kind of waste they would be gone. They would be history.

Petitions October 26th, 1994

Mr. Speaker, these petitioners ask that Parliament not amend the human rights code, the Canadian Human Rights Act, or the Charter of Rights and Freedoms in any way which would tend to indicate societal approval of same sex relationships or of homosexuality, including amending the human rights code to include in the prohibited grounds of discrimination the undefined phrase sexual orientation.