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Crucial Fact

  • His favourite word was police.

Last in Parliament November 2005, as Independent MP for Surrey North (B.C.)

Won his last election, in 2004, with 44% of the vote.

Statements in the House

Justice June 12th, 2000

Mr. Speaker, clearly Bill C-3 is stalled, and that shows no signs of changing in the near future.

The minister committed to Canadians that the government would have new youth justice legislation in this parliament. I ask again, will we have new youth justice legislation before an election is called?

Justice June 12th, 2000

Mr. Speaker, the justice committee of the last parliament spent a year travelling this country, at great taxpayer expense, hearing from Canadians about youth justice. Just before the last election the committee submitted its report to the government. After the election the minister said that youth justice was among her top priorities.

Three years have now past and still Canadians have nothing. Her Bill C-3 has stalled. Does the minister intend to have new youth justice legislation in force before an election is called?

Immigration June 9th, 2000

Mr. Speaker, last week it was learned that about 30 juveniles who arrived on those boats and were placed in foster homes rather than detained have just plain disappeared. Some had gone AWOL before but instead of being detained when they were caught, they were just returned to the foster homes.

Authorities surmise that those who have now disappeared have made their way into the United States. Who knows what kind of nightmares their lives will become: crime, prostitution and sweatshop slaves.

How can the minister defend policies that contribute to the misery of young lives?

Immigration June 9th, 2000

Mr. Speaker, it has been a year now since hundreds of migrants arrived in rusting hulks off the west coast. Some have been returned, many have disappeared and many remain in detention. Recently seven escaped in Prince George. They fled into thick bush swarming with mosquitoes and prowled by bears where there is little, if any, food. Fortunately they were recaptured before they could come to any harm.

The government's refugee policy is a sham. It is a tremendous burden on taxpayers and it is so slow the claimants will put their own lives at risk rather than wait any longer. When will the minister speed up the process and make it fair for everybody?

Budget Implementation Act, 2000 June 6th, 2000

Mr. Speaker, as I did not vote on the previous motion I want to be recorded as opposed on this motion.

Petitions June 5th, 2000

Madam Speaker, pursuant to Standing Order 36, I wish to present a petition containing the names of some 5,800 citizens who call on parliament to enact legislation which would increase the sanctions against those who perpetrate sexual assault on minors.

Correctional Service Canada June 2nd, 2000

Mr. Speaker, we all know about the corrections commissioner's goal to have 50% of federal offenders out in the community under supervision.

We must assume that the costs to which my colleague referred were rising during the implementation of that plan. Will the solicitor general please assure Canadians that prison costs will not continue to rise as the system approaches that 50% goal?

Organized Crime June 2nd, 2000

Mr. Speaker, authorities in Vancouver just busted nine marijuana grow operations controlled by a Vietnamese organized crime group. They found 12 children in the homes they raided.

Sergeant Randy Elliot of the Organized Crime Agency says “Now they have no product, no cash and they will be owing somebody something. There is a problem for them here”.

That could signal another round of gun battles and violence in the streets of greater Vancouver. We have seen it many times before.

Statistics indicate that 85% of those recently arrested in relation to B.C. marijuana grow operations were of Vietnamese origin. We all know that the vast majority of Vietnamese immigrants to British Columbia and the rest of Canada are hard working, law-abiding folks who are assets to the communities in which they live and work. However, the small number involved in these criminal gangs is a blight on their community.

These merchants of misery are a scourge on our society. I think I speak for all Canadians, including the Vietnamese community, when I call upon the solicitor general and the ministers of justice and immigration to give us the legislation and the resources to get rid of these parasites.

Justice May 19th, 2000

Mr. Speaker, over a year ago I tabled a motion in the justice committee regarding home invasions, suggesting that it be made an aggravating factor at sentencing when robberies, et cetera, are committed at a residence when the victim is at home. The member for Winnipeg South referred to my initiative as silly and implied that I was playing politics.

This past week the Minister of Justice announced that she is considering this very thing. Is the minister just playing politics, and if not, then why did she not respond to my suggestion over a year ago?

Police Frustration May 19th, 2000

Mr. Speaker, each day I receive news releases from the Surrey RCMP detachment. I would like to read part of one such release dated March 23, 2000 into the record to illustrate why our police are frustrated.

The release is titled “Surrey RCMP's Auto Theft Division Picks Up Vehicle Thief Again”. It goes on to say:

He has an extensive record for stealing trucks. He is prohibited from driving. He is currently on probation for fraud and possession of stolen property. He is out on conditional sentences for theft, possession of stolen property, and prohibited driving. He is currently charged with possession of two stolen vehicles. He is currently under investigation for other vehicle thefts. He will be making an appearance in Surrey Provincial Court today where police hope he will be held in custody.

Is it any wonder that our police at times just want to throw their arms in the air and say why bother?