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Crucial Fact

  • His favourite word was deal.

Last in Parliament November 2005, as Liberal MP for Avalon (Newfoundland & Labrador)

Won his last election, in 2004, with 58% of the vote.

newfoundland and labradorbritish columbiahealth care systemauto industrydealprovincerevenuesoilgreenhouse gas emissionsmake a decisionfutureatlantic accordequalizationmountain pine beetle100energyenvironmentmademajoroppositionletfinanceoppositeproblempremierreceiveabsolutelyworldprovincialplaceeconomyresourcesformulaoceanwordforestfishstocksproblemsconfidenceoffshore

Statements in the House

Export and Import of Rough Diamonds Act June 21st, 2005

moved that Bill S-36, An Act to amend the Export and Import of Rough Diamonds Act, be read the first time.

(Motion agreed to and bill read the first time)

Natural Resources June 20th, 2005

Mr. Speaker, in response to the hon. member's excellent question, in fact, not only is the boreal forest important to Canada, but it is very important to the world. My department is actively engaged with the industry, the provinces, the territories, academia and conservation organizations. We are going to continue these discussions to find ways to help the communities maintain the environmental sustainability of the boreal forest with good economy.

Candu Reactor June 13th, 2005

Mr. Speaker, in spite of what was in the Globe and Mail today, I can answer without a doubt that the Candu reactor that is presently in China is outperforming all of its competition in the world.

The new advanced Candu reactor that is coming on stream in 2010 will be equal to and/or better than its competition in the world. Actually, the reactor that was bid on in that country just recently had nothing to do with the Candu reactor from Canada. It was a particular reactor on which bids were called. AECL could not participate in the bid.

Green Municipal Funds April 12th, 2005

Mr. Speaker, pursuant to Standing Order 32(2), I am pleased to table, in both official languages, the Green Municipal Funds annual report of 2003-04.

The Environment April 6th, 2005

Mr. Speaker, it is amazing that the Bloc Québécois disagrees with the voluntary agreement so much that it would make such statements. The Sierra Club Washington, D.C. based environmental group praised this agreement as a breakthrough because it would both cut global warming emissions in Canada and set the stage for a similar reduction in the United States.

John Bennett, the Sierra Club advisor to Canada, said:

--Canadian reductions are similar to the 2001 California Clean Car Bill, which requires auto makers to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from their vehicles by 30% between 2009 and 2016.

The Environment April 5th, 2005

Mr. Speaker, I want to remind the House that the Sierra Club came out today with a news release in support of the voluntary agreement that the Minister of the Environment and myself signed this morning.

The reduction of 5.3 million tonnes is good for the economy and good for the environment. The agreement we signed with the auto industry is good for the economy as well as the environment.

The Environment April 5th, 2005

Mr. Speaker, the most outrageous comment I have heard in this House since I came here two years ago just came from that member who just said that at 5.3 million tonnes we are not reducing greenhouse gas emissions. What grade did he get in mathematical courses in college or in high school?

The Environment April 5th, 2005

Mr. Speaker, I would like to know what the hon. member had for lunch today to be able to say that reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 5.3 million tonnes is not doing anything for the environment. What does it take?

The auto industry is playing its role. The environment minister is playing his role. The Minister of Natural Resources, together with the Minister of the Environment, agree that it will work. It is good for Canada. It is reducing greenhouse gas emissions. It is showing leadership in North America and in the world.

The Environment April 5th, 2005

Mr. Speaker, as I said in Windsor this morning, it is a great day for the government. It is a great day for the auto industry. It is a great day for Canadians. My colleague, the Minister of the Environment, and I signed the voluntary agreement with the auto industry this morning which will reduce greenhouse gas emissions by five times three million tonnes.

The Environment March 23rd, 2005

Mr. Speaker, I am pleased to announce today that we have indeed reached a voluntary agreement with the Canadian auto sector in reducing greenhouse gas emissions. This voluntary agreement is good for the auto industry and it is good for Canadians.

I want to thank my colleagues, the Minister of the Environment and the Minister of Industry, for working with us in accomplishing this agreement. I also want to thank the chair of the auto caucus of Ontario for the role the caucus played in this.

This is a deal that we are proud of, based on 14 previous agreements, good for Canadians and good for the auto industry.