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Crucial Fact

  • Her favourite word was let.

Last in Parliament May 2004, as Canadian Alliance MP for Edmonton North (Alberta)

Won her last election, in 2000, with 51% of the vote.

Statements in the House

Points Of Order March 28th, 2001

Mr. Speaker, I rise on the same point of order. When my colleague was referring to the junior minister of multiculturalism he was talking about a pattern we have seen in her behaviour over the years about Kamloops cross burnings and about behaviour and cross burnings in Prince George.

I said across the aisle not to forget about their attacks on Christians during the campaign, a particularly ugly scene that I am sure she is ashamed of. That spurred the Minister of Canadian Heritage to hoot across the aisle: what do I know about Christians.

I guess I know something because I am a Christian. I am certainly not perfect. I would be the first to admit it. It is a pattern of this minister and it is shameful.

Multiculturalism March 28th, 2001

Add Christians to the list too.

Multiculturalism March 28th, 2001

For goodness' sake, Mr. Speaker. Sergeant Weller just did an interview moments ago on CFRA. When she was asked “Are there any cross burnings in Prince George”, she said “No”. “In Kamloops?” “No reports”.

She was then asked “Are people upset in B.C.?” She said “They are upset they are being tainted with the idea of cross burning. The whole province is getting concerned”.

Then the question was “Does she have to address this with some finality”, the minister, and Sergeant Weller just said moments ago “We will be watching”.

When will the Prime Minister fire this minister, or is it just acceptable government policy?

Multiculturalism March 28th, 2001

Mr. Speaker, the junior minister of multiculturalism slandered the people of Prince George and then tried to cover it up. The Prime Minister said twice yesterday:

—there were no phone calls made by the minister or anybody in her office about that.

In fact, Sergeant Fiona Weller of the B.C. hate crimes unit, that one RCMP and one local police officer, said she was telephoned by one Steve Bourne of the minister's office to ask about cross burnings.

If the Prime Minister will not fire her for intolerance or slander, will he fire her for making him look like a fool yesterday?

Points Of Order March 26th, 2001

Mr. Speaker, I withdraw.

Prime Minister March 26th, 2001

Mr. Speaker, they sound like nervous Nellies.

The Prime Minister said that he had no decisions to make on it, but he was involved all along. He said that the loan was in a blind trust, but it was not. He said that he did not pressure the Business Development Bank, but he did. He said that no immigrant investor funds were involved, but they were. He has denied that he was a shareholder, but he was.

He wants Canadians to believe that he is open and honest. Why does he keep contradicting himself at every turn?

Prime Minister March 26th, 2001

Mr. Speaker, dear knows what we will uncover next. For two years the Prime Minister has made contradictory statements about Shawinigan.

Points Of Order March 21st, 2001

Mr. Speaker, the secretary of state talks about making sure racism does not happen. We appreciate that because it is a dreadful thing.

What she said today was very clearly that they were burning crosses in Prince George as we speak. She has given some sort of half-baked withdrawal, but she slammed—

Ethics Counsellor March 21st, 2001

When did you get that letter?

Ethics Counsellor March 21st, 2001

Mr. Speaker, it is funny that the industry minister tried to slip that very letter in last night by tabling it under documents, when in fact it was a ministerial statement.

Mr. Wilson stonewalled questions from the opposition yesterday, but he answered Liberal softballs like a well rehearsed actor. Then he slipped the letter to the committee chairman after that entire section on the golf course was finished and they were on to another topic.

When exactly did the Minister of Industry receive that letter, and why was it released only after Wilson was out of the hot seat?