The Government of Canada is committed to making Canadians aware of what federal programs are available and how to access them. For 2002-03, there was one campaign focused on the national child benefit, NCB. This campaign was aimed at raising awareness of programs and services supporting children and families and at providing details on where to get more information on these services. The campaign highlighted the national child benefit, NCB program for low income families as there was low awareness of the NCB among the Canadian public. The NCB is a federal/provincial/territorial initiative to which the Government of Canada contributes by increasing the Canada child tax benefit, CCTB, for low income families with children.
As with all federal government advertising campaigns, the campaign was focus-tested for integrity and efficacy to help ensure that it would meet its stated objectives. Post-testing confirmed that the campaign had, indeed, achieved its objectives.
The Government has an obligation to inform Canadians about its services. In order to reach Canadians, the campaign included advertisements in
· over 100 national, local, ethnic and aboriginal TV stations,
· over 100 national and local radio stations,
· about 1,500 daily, weekly, ethnic and aboriginal newspapers, and
· several family targeted monthly magazines.
The cost of this campaign was $6.5 million.