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Crucial Fact

  • His favourite word was air.

Last in Parliament May 2004, as Liberal MP for Don Valley East (Ontario)

Won his last election, in 2000, with 67% of the vote.

Statements in the House

Transportation Security November 27th, 2002

Mr. Speaker, this question was asked yesterday by the member for Churchill and I gave the answer.

Transport Canada is not reducing the number of inspectors with respect to air inspection. Safety of course is our number one priority, so the report in the newspapers was in error.

Ferries November 26th, 2002

Mr. Speaker, I have already answered this question. There will be improvements made to the Trois-Pistoles harbour and the service will resume next summer.

Canada-U.S. Security Measures November 26th, 2002

Mr. Speaker, the hon. member's question is somewhat imprecise and I would ask her to rephrase it in a supplementary.

With respect to airline security, it is true that with respect to clearance and preclearance by U.S. customs at Canadian airports, there is an extra level of security on a random basis at the gate. Perhaps that is what she is referring to. That is something that we agreed to with the Americans.

Airline Industry November 26th, 2002

Mr. Speaker, the quote from the individual cited is completely inaccurate. The fact is that we have a very good air security system. It was good before September 11, 2001. It is even better as a result.

Who does my hon. colleague propose to pay for these air security measures, the general taxpayer or the user? His party supports user charges on every other aspect of airline and airport policy but not on this.

However, as the Minister of Finance has said, the whole matter is under review.

Airline Industry November 26th, 2002

Mr. Speaker, the answer is, yes.

National Security November 25th, 2002

Mr. Speaker, this is a multi-faceted question. It is a good question and we have a good answer for it.

I might draw the member's attention to the fact that the Deputy Prime Minister is chair of the security committee of cabinet, which has been putting in place all our border security, airline security and all those responses to the attacks on the World Trade Center, long before the U.S. Congress passed its legislation to create the homeland security department.

This government has a good record in defending its borders, a good record in defending its airports and a good record in defending its ports.

Airline Industry November 25th, 2002

Mr. Speaker, there is no doubt that the air industry has paid for all of the improvements in the various services over the last number of years, and of course air travellers are being expected to pay for the security charges. That is under review by the Minister of Finance.

There are some justifications to the arguments made by the airline industry. Such things as the charge and the rents at airports and other issues are under review, but the fact of the matter is that when one carrier leaves a particular market, such as in New Brunswick, usually another carrier comes in with a similar service.

Canada-U.S. Relations November 22nd, 2002

Mr. Speaker, as usual the right hon. member gets involved in extraneous issues.

The fact is that the Prime Minister has spoken about his support of the president and his friendship with the president, and that these events in no way will have any impact on any dealings between the two countries.

Canada-U.S. Relations November 22nd, 2002

Mr. Speaker, I would like to continue to read from a statement of Ms. Ducros. She said:

If I made comments in the context of what I understood to be a private conversation, I regret that they have attracted so much media attention. I accept full responsibility for them and I sincerely apologize.So as not to have this matter overshadow the Prime Minister’s important work here at the Summit I have offered him my resignation.

The Prime Minister has refused to accept her resignation.

Housing November 22nd, 2002

Mr. Speaker, I should say that the Minister of Labour, who is responsible for the homeless initiative, has done an outstanding job across the country working with municipalities and the provinces. She has great credibility. We are making progress in dealing with this terrible social dilemma of our time.

However, with respect to the housing agreements, the hon. member should give recognition to the fact that we have signed agreements with 10 out of the 13 jurisdictions, that they are now in force and that housing units are coming on stream.

We have a good record in this field.