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Crucial Fact

  • His favourite word was justice.

Last in Parliament May 2004, as Liberal MP for Etobicoke Centre (Ontario)

Won his last election, in 2000, with 56% of the vote.

Statements in the House

Health May 28th, 1998

Mr. Speaker, I can understand why the Reform Party would not support the strategy against AIDS. It has opposed it from the beginning. It appears its so-called compassion is for some of the sick and dying but not for the others.

The member for Macleod blames the victims by saying that those with HIV and AIDS have unhealthy lifestyles. What about those with HIV through the blood system?

The member for Calgary Northeast said that we should not have the AIDS conference in Vancouver. He asked the Minister of Immigration to close the borders. He did not want people with HIV to be in the country. He said that it would put an undue burden on our health system. This is sheer hypocrisy.

Tobacco Legislation May 27th, 1998

Mr. Speaker, I will introduce the amendments when the government is ready.

Health May 27th, 1998

Mr. Speaker, the reason the Alpha product is being permitted into Canada under the special access provision is that all the licensed importers are out of product. Physicians have come to Health Canada and said “Please let us use this product”, even though they do not have a licensed importer. We looked at the product and it has been approved, as the Americans approved it.

The question is, is it safe? The authorities have examined it. They have applied standards and they have said it should be approved. That is the issue, not whether the product is licensed. Products are not licensed. They are either approved or not approved and this product has been approved.

Health May 27th, 1998

Mr. Speaker, the member does not understand the system. It is not the products that are licensed. It is the importers that are licensed. Products are approved or disapproved. In the case of albumin from Alpha, it has been approved by both American and Canadian authorities. They have applied safety standards and they have approved the product.

Would the member confine herself to the facts. We had her calling over to the department last week. We sat her down with the officials. We gave her all the facts, instead of engaging in what she is doing right now, and as the member for Macleod is doing, which is creating fear on the part of Canadians who take this product without regard for the facts.

Health May 27th, 1998

Mr. Speaker, I can do no more than rely on the facts. I urge the member to be responsible in the way he is dealing with this issue.

Please, we are dealing with innocent Canadians who need this product for their health and safety. Please, the officials have told me expressly that Alpha has an albumin product that has been approved for marketing in Canada but does not have a licensed importer.

This product has been approved for importing into Canada. It has been approved by the Americans. Surely the member will be responsible enough to deal with the true facts of this matter instead of using it for narrow political purposes.

Health May 27th, 1998

Mr. Speaker, as usual the member is not listening. What he is doing through his fearmongering is upsetting people who rely on this product.

I have said to the House and I say again to the member, if it does any good, that because of the shortage of this supply from licensed suppliers doctors have asked Health Canada to permit the importation from Alpha.

The American authorities have examined the very product being imported. Canadian authorities have examined that product and have found it to be safe.

Let us not instil unnecessary fear on the part of innocent Canadians who rely on these products for their own health and safety.

Health May 27th, 1998

Mr. Speaker, the important point here is that the albumin being imported into Canada has been inspected by the American authorities and by the Canadian authorities and has been found to meet safety standards.

The member as a physician should know that albumin is an important product for the health of many Canadians. Because of the shortage of licensed suppliers and at the request of physicians, Health Canada through the special access program has permitted importation of this product from Alpha, which is an American company.

This product has been inspected by the American authorities, by the Canadian authorities and has been found to be safe.

Health May 26th, 1998

Mr. Speaker, these questions should not be determined by theatrics or by politics or by any other factor aside from safety. The member might just as well accept it because the reality is not going to change.

The products in question have met safety standards in America and in Canada. They have met those standards and appropriately they are being made available at the request of the physicians of the people who need them.

Health May 26th, 1998

Mr. Speaker, albumin is an important product which is essential to the health of many Canadians.

There is a shortage of albumin available from likely suppliers in Canada. As a result, physicians asked Health Canada for permission to go to an American company named Alpha to supply that product.

The issue is not where the product comes from. The issue is, is it safe. As I told the House yesterday, this product has been approved in both the United States and Canada as meeting safety requirements.

At no time have the American authorities prohibited the sale of the products of this company. It continues to certify the company. The product is safe and that is the bottom line.

Hepatitis C May 25th, 1998

Mr. Speaker, these are the very questions now before the task force set up ten days ago by the federal and provincial governments.

The task force has already begun its work. We expect results to be available shortly. I advise the hon. member to wait for the results of the task force's work, at which time its conclusions can be examined.