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Crucial Fact

  • His favourite word was justice.

Last in Parliament May 2004, as Liberal MP for Etobicoke Centre (Ontario)

Won his last election, in 2000, with 56% of the vote.

Statements in the House

Health Care June 12th, 2000

Mr. Speaker, first, I want to say how much we welcomed the report we received from the provincial and territorial ministers last week. It is a very helpful contribution, but it does point to the fact that the health care system is under cost pressures that are only going to rise. It is all the more important for us to get this system sustainable by making the kind of constructive change that is needed.

I look forward to working with my provincial and territorial partners to that effect. We are off to a good start. Yesterday the Prime Minister met with Premier Klein who said, and I quote, “I think all premiers can agree that we need to establish goals and objectives nationally. With national consensus on goals, working together we can maintain quality care”.

Health June 9th, 2000

Mr. Speaker, we will do what is necessary to protect the health of Canadians and particularly children.

Let me emphasize to the member that the government has discretionary power under the act. As in the case of the product which the member mentioned in his first question, where there is science to indicate that the products are a threat to the health of Canadians we will act to get them off the market.

Health June 9th, 2000

Mr. Speaker, American and Canadian authorities are working closely together in this regard. The American withdrawal from the market is voluntary and has been negotiated with the company.

We were negotiating the same agreement with the manufacturer in Canada. It was in place until two days ago when the manufacturer reneged on it. As a result, we are to impose unilaterally, using our authority as a government, that the product come off the market. When we finish the scientific work to uphold that approach that is the step we will take to protect the health of all Canadians and particularly children.

Health June 9th, 2000

Mr. Speaker, let me first of all say that we welcome the report which is to be delivered today from the provinces and territories. I have not yet seen it but I hope very much that it is a constructive contribution to a dialogue we are having with the provinces on health care and its funding into the future.

As Minister of Health I believe strongly that there should and must be more federal money in health care. All we ask is that it go to support the public health care system, not to fund tax cuts in Ontario. We ask that it go to make the changes that are needed to make it a truly sustainable health care system. I look forward to talking about those plans with my counterparts in the provinces.

Health June 7th, 2000

Mr. Speaker, it will be my great pleasure on behalf of the Government of Canada to launch the Canadian Institutes of Health Research with a record breaking budget of almost $500 million a year.

The CIHR is a bold new initiative which will transform the way health research is carried on in this country.

At 4 o'clock I will introduce the president and the 19 members of the new governing council, individuals who are recognized around the world for their expertise and their contribution in the area of health research.

I am proud to be part of a government under the leadership of the Prime Minister who understands the importance of investing in knowledge to make sure the best and brightest remain in this country to the benefit of all Canadians.

Health June 1st, 2000

Mr. Speaker, that is false. We ourselves invited the provincial ministers to discuss the future of our health care system.

I remind the hon. member that it is this government that added more money to transfers, to the tune of 25% over the past four years. We increased transfers and we are prepared to put more money in, but under a plan of action developed with our provincial partners.

Health May 31st, 2000

Mr. Speaker, I spoke of our commitment to make sure that safe drinking water is available. Had the member given me advance notice of his question about this specific community, I would have been pleased to get up to date information about it.

Let me tell the member, as I have already, that for Health Canada safe drinking water in aboriginal communities is a matter of real importance. We will continue to work with our partners and with those communities to make sure that is available.

Health May 31st, 2000

Mr. Speaker, I have already assured the member and the House that the safety and purity of the water supply in aboriginal communities continue to be a priority for Health Canada.

We will continue to work with those communities and with the officials at Health Canada across the country to make sure that those communities have access to the safe drinking water they need.

Health May 31st, 2000

Mr. Speaker, the member invites me to repeat my response. My response was to exactly what he asked.

My response is that Health Canada takes very seriously the need to have safe drinking water in all aboriginal communities. We have identified the challenges and we are working toward addressing those challenges with the communities themselves.

Health May 31st, 2000

Mr. Speaker, the member is quite right. Health Canada has been vigilant over the years to make sure that aboriginal communities across the country have access to safe and pure drinking water.

Some years ago we did a survey across the country to make sure we understood the nature of the challenge. Since that time Health Canada has been working closely with aboriginal communities themselves and with other partners to make sure that the aboriginal population in their own communities have access to safe drinking water. That effort continues. We have challenges still, but we are addressing the issue with the communities themselves.