Mr. Speaker, the hon. member for Prince Edward-Hastings has already referred to the work the government has done with the provinces and industry to develop a whole new farm safety net program.
I would like to elaborate. The problem that had to be resolved in this process was to design a national whole farm safety net program that would still meet the specific needs of each province.
In December 1994 federal and provincial ministers received the final report of the national safety net consulting committee. A consensus was reached consistent with the recommendations of the committee. The farm income protection policy centred on three key elements: crop insurance, a national farm income program, and specific companion programs.
The new whole farm program will be built on the existing net income stabilization account, NISA. A number of changes will be reviewed with the industry to make the program trade neutral and cost effective. Companion programs would derive support tailored at provincial levels to allow for flexibility to meet specific provincial circumstances.
What is most important in this consensus is that the provinces will be able through the companion programs to identify where they want to spend their money in co-operation with the federal government.
Currently provincial and federal officials are completing the necessary details for a multilateral memorandum of understanding. The policy is based on a 60 per cent federal and 40 per cent provincial cost sharing arrangements, monitoring and management process. Once it is completed we will develop federal-provincial bilateral arrangements with each province to allow for specific companion programs.
What I have just outlined is but one example of how federal and provincial governments are continuing to work together to reduce overlap and duplication. In view of the work that is being done, I urge my hon. colleagues to reject Motion No. 314.