moved that Bill C-12, an Act to amend the Canada Business Corporations Act and to make consequential amendments to other acts, be read a second time and referred to a committee.
Mr. Speaker, I am pleased to rise today to begin debate on second reading of Bill C-12, an Act to amend the Canada Business Corporations Act and to make consequential amendments to other acts.
As a piece of federal framework legislation, the Canada Business Corporations Act helps promote the competitiveness of Canadian businesses. It is a key element of our national economic union and our internal market. The act must be kept up-to-date so that the government can use modern technology to provide better services and to improve administrative efficiency. It must also respond to the emerging challenges of a rapidly evolving global market.
This new law must be fair. The Canada Business Corporations Act will continue to provide a practical balance of interests among shareholders, creditors, management and the public.
This House will recall that the CBCA came into force on December 15, 1975 in order to revise and reform the law applicable to companies incorporated to carry on business throughout Canada. At that time the CBCA was heralded as an exemplary act, a model to be followed in Canada and abroad. For nearly 20 years it has acted as a model and promoted order and fairness in the corporate environment.
The CBCA is important to the competitive position of small and medium sized businesses as well as for the many large corporations registered under it. Over half of the top 500 companies in Canada are registered under the Canada Business Corporations Act. Approximately 190,000 corporations in Canada are covered by the provisions of the act.
However, after nearly two decades we need to update the provisions of the CBCA. Business practices and legal developments in a number of areas such as shareholder communications and the roles and responsibilities of directors have evolved considerably since the act was originally passed.
Corporations today must take into account the intensified competition of an international marketplace and the globalization of capital markets. Our framework laws must take into account increased share ownership by institutional investors and the holdings of shares through intermediaries.
The Canada Business Corporations Act must keep pace with the changes that are driving the competitiveness of Canadian industry. It must be amended to ensure that it will continue to be a useful tool for Canadian businesses and a model for others to follow.
The legislation before us today represents the first of two phases that will reform the framework legislation which governs federally incorporated businesses. We are introducing these amendments now so we can move quickly on a number of technical but important reforms. They represent a first step in renewing the CBCA. They will be followed by more substantive revisions after consultations with all interested parties.
Hon. members will note that the legislation before us provides for a parliamentary review of the CBCA within three years. We intend to introduce substantive amendments when the act comes up for review. Hopefully we will be in a position within 18 months to proceed with the review, but at the very latest we will have an opportunity to review the need for further amendments within three years.
In the meantime, Industry Canada will consult extensively with those who have a stake in the CBCA. We have prepared a consultation package and hope to complete our consultations and have draft recommendations ready for review by the government within 18 months.
The phase II consultation package deals with such issues as the liability of corporate directors, shareholders communications and other substantive issues. The package has been submitted to interested Canadians, including corporate executives, corporate law experts, institutional investors, shareholders' representatives, the accounting profession, business associations and other stakeholders.
After we have heard back from those who have a stake in reforming the CBCA, we will recommend to Parliament further amendments to the act to reflect business and community needs.
I want to emphasize that the legislation before us is a necessary first step. It enables the government to proceed with some important technical changes to the CBCA while we prepare for more substantive revisions. The primary objectives of the legislation before us lie in four areas and I would like to go over each of these briefly.
First of all, the legislation provides for improved service to federally incorporated companies. It brings the CBCA in line with technological advances and permits the introduction of more equal service across the country.
In the years that have passed since the CBCA came into effect, technology has revolutionized the way in which business is conducted. The drafters of the 1975 legislation could not have foreseen the day when, for example, fax machines would be used to transmit key corporate documents. They could not have known that, within a few decades, electronic data interchange would have the potential of reducing the paper burden for business.
I must confess that in my days of practising law here in Ottawa it was quite convenient to act as Ottawa agents for firms across the country as we delivered and collected documents from the corporations branch of the then consumer and corporate affairs department.
I suppose I really ought to apologize to some of my former colleagues still in practice in Ottawa that we are now making it possible for firms across Canada to deliver their documents directly and electronically.
My friend from Toronto says "hear, hear". The one benefit of the old rules was that we found ways to collect fees from Toronto law firms.
The director who administers the CBCA through the corporations directorate of Industry Canada receives a variety of notices and documents from corporations, directors, shareholders and others.
Many representatives of CBCA corporations have requested that facsimile transmission and electronic filing and issuance of documents be permitted under the act. The CBCA director has begun to accept some documents transmitted by facsimile, but there are certain impediments in the existing act to the use of modern technology.
The amendments before us provide broad regulatory making power to prescribe the form and other details of electronic filing and issuance of documents. They authorize the CBCA director to deal with the technical details. These changes will result in eventual same day incorporation from all regions of Canada, not just the national capital region, thus again saving money to industry across the country.
CBCA corporations and others will have easier access to the information that the corporations directorate provides.
I would like to emphasize that while we want to amend the act in order to better enable the corporations directorate to keep abreast of modern information technology, clients will still be able to use paper-based communications if they prefer.
The second broad area that the amendments before us address is the need to simplify certain corporate government procedures and record keeping and filing requirements. For example, the amendments will permit current directors to appoint a limited number of directors in the time between shareholders meetings if the corporation's articles so provide. While shareholder democracy is safeguarded by the limits placed on this power, the change will give CBCA corporations the flexibility to react quickly and with less expense to unforeseen events.
Under the amendments shareholders can also elect a reduced number of directors at the same shareholders meeting that they approve the reduction. As the law now stands shareholders can vote to reduce the minimum number of directors but must wait until the next meeting to elect that reduced number of directors.
Another amendment would permit the CBCA director to exempt the filing of specified classes of documents when they are publicly available elsewhere. This will reduce the burden of multiple filings of certain documents and thus the costs incurred by CBCA corporations.
In keeping with the trend towards reducing paper and administrative costs for users of the CBCA, the amendments will establish a six-year period for which accounting records and files must be retained. Currently, the CBCA gives no direction to corporations as to how long such records must be maintained.
The amendments will eliminate public financial disclosure now imposed on large, privately held CBCA corporations while maintaining disclosure to shareholders. The CBCA currently requires public disclosure of the financial statements of privately held CBCA corporations whose assets exceed $5 million or whose gross revenues exceed $10 million.
Mandatory public disclosure of financial statements of large private corporations is not required by the provinces, nor is it required by the laws of our major trading partner, the United States. The CBCA therefore places federally incorporated companies at a competitive disadvantage and increases their compliance costs. This may discourage foreign businesses from establishing in Canada, certainly under federal jurisdiction.
Shareholders of privately held companies will continue to be protected because an audit can only be waived if all shareholders agree. Financial statements will still be prepared and sent to shareholders in any event.
Financial statements of all corporations, not just those that are federally incorporated, must be disclosed to Statistics Canada through other legislation such as the Corporations and Labour Unions Returns Act. This information is publicly available on an aggregate basis.
The third broad theme of these technical amendments is clarification. Some amendments have been introduced to clarify the language of certain sections of the CBCA through changes to the French or English versions or through the use of better terminology. For example, revised definitions of control and subsidiary are proposed in order to capture the whole chain of corporations under the ultimate control of a holding corporation, thus simplifying amalgamations and financial assistance within corporate groups.
Finally, the fourth area addressed by the bill before us is efficient administration. The act now requires that before an administrative dissolution of a corporation can take place the CBCA director must give notice of the decision to dissolve a corporation in, among other things, a local newspaper.
By removing this requirement for publication in a local newspaper the CBCA director will be able to move expeditiously against defaulting corporations. This will help encourage companies to comply with the public information filing provisions of the law. Also, the government will avoid a publication cost of almost $1 million over the next few years.
The amendment will not affect the statutory requirement to notify directly the corporation in default and each director personally, nor the requirement to publish notices in the Canada Gazette and the Canada Corporations Bulletin .
To promote effective administration, the amendments before us also include provisions to strengthen the CBCA rules governing corporate names. For example, under one proposed amendment, corporations will be prohibited from using words such as "Limited", "Limitée" and "Corporation" in names other than their corporate names.
Industry Canada is committed to the continued modernization of the CBCA. We will proceed with the technical amendments of the kind I have outlined today. In the meantime we will continue to work with the Canadian business and professional communities to design more substantive changes to the law. Our overall objective is to help the conduct of business in Canada and to contribute to the competitiveness of federal corporations.
The amendments before the house render the CBCA more efficient. They simplify filing and record keeping requirements and certain corporate grievance procedures and they allow for technological innovation.
They also allow for improved service to corporations governed by the CBCA by reducing overall paper burden and the cost of compliance under the act. Overall they make the CBCA a more useful instrument to businesses and investors who use it.
This government is committed to helping small and medium sized Canadian business. We want the CBCA to serve Canadian businesses in their bid to become competitive at home and internationally.
They also allow for improved service to corporations governed by the CBCA by reducing paper burden and the cost of compliance with the Act. Overall, they make the CBCA a more useful instrument for businesses and investors who use it.
I hope that my hon. colleagues from both sides of the House will join me in supporting this legislation and in helping ensure its speedy passage. Thank you.
I know late in the afternoon it is hard to find enthusiasm for a bill on the Canada Business Corporations Act and I do find myself concerned that I will contribute further to my generally perceived image of being rather dull and boring. However, it is the best we can do with the Canada Business Corporations Act.