Mr. Speaker, it is my pleasure to speak in support of the private member's motion put forward by my colleague from Nepean. Her initiative provides an opportunity for this new Parliament to address not just one issue but three recent phenomena which Canadians are not happy about.
The motion specifically addresses the taxation of child support payments, but more broadly asks us to examine the distribution of wealth in the country, the growth of child poverty and the cohesion between the values of Canadians and the policies of government.
First let us look at the distribution of wealth. If you put all the families in Canada together and then divide them into five equally sized groups, you see some interesting numbers. The 20 per cent at the top level of income receives 40 per cent of the income paid out. The lowest 20 per cent receives only a meagre 6 per cent of the income.
If we go further and combine the two lowest groups of 20 per cent and form a new group that represents 40 per cent of all Canadian families, we will find that this substantially sized group receives and lives on only 18 per cent of the total income. Compare this idea of the bottom 40 per cent living on 20 per cent of the income with the top 20 per cent living and spending 40 per cent of the income.
The remaining two groups in the middle receive 18 per cent and 24 per cent respectively, hovering close to the 20 per cent figure that the group represents.
I ask the House whether as representatives of Canadians we are satisfied with this situation? I know it is a large question but I think it is appropriate to ask it in the early stages of a new Parliament because today's debate is the first opportunity to begin to consider it and keep it in mind as we discuss tax reform and the 1995 and subsequent budgets.
Personally I am not satisfied with the fact that 20 per cent of our families struggle to exist on 6 per cent of income because I know that in those families live children who are not getting their fair share of the wealth of their country.
Second, let us look at this phenomenon of poverty of children in Canada. Statistics Canada reports that 1.2 million children under the age of 18 live in poverty. The effect of poverty on their health is particularly significant, given that poverty at the earliest stages of life has a lasting impact on health status that extends into adulthood.
This is further illustrated by the fact that the infant mortality rate of children in poor neighbourhoods is almost twice as high as that in rich neighbourhoods. In 1992, 900,000 children needed to use a food bank and about one in eight families were living in substandard housing.
I am not satisfied with these statistics either. They remind me of a situation in an emerging nation where a few live like kings and the many struggle to exist. They even bring to mind the word oligarchy where a powerful few are in control and are accepting of and tolerant of the sight of hungry children.
Canadians reject the idea that such a system is acceptable. Canadians question the appropriateness of obscene salaries for certain chief executive officers. In Maclean's magazine this week Allan Fotheringham in his column writes about a Canadian CEO who was paid $6.9 million last year and asks the question: ``Is anyone worth $6.9 million for one year's chores''?
Many Canadians are suffering, food banks are blooming but somehow there is enough spare change in the system to pay one person $6.9 million. This is offensive to Canadians who value fairness and dignity for all. It is offensive to a people committed to peace, order and good government.
This is the context in which we address the question of the taxation of child support payments. Today on breakup of a marriage one parent usually gets custody of the children and the other parent is ordered to make regular payments. The money received by the custodial parent is considered to be income and is taxed as such. The non-custodial parent is allowed to deduct the amount transferred over the course of a year from taxable income on the annual tax form.
I believe that from the outset this is unfair compared to the situation of intact or two-parent families who file income tax returns. In a two-parent family both parents spend money on their children's welfare all year but neither of them is able to add it all up and then subtract it from taxable income.
Today we are actually rewarding the non-custodial parent by providing a tax break not enjoyed either by single custodial parents nor by the two parents who stay together.
Why did we ever do this in the first place? It was thought that if income tax was paid by the custodial parent, usually the mother who was in a lower tax bracket, that less money would go to the government and there would be more for the children. This idea was obviously developed by people who had never been divorced and who thought that the concept of the original family including mutual support and nurturence continued beyond the date of the divorce.
It ignored several realities, the reality that divorce is adversarial and usually leaves in its wake revenge and bitterness, the reality that divorce requires the maintenance of two households with accompanying costs, and ignored the reality that the non-custodial parent embarks on a new lifestyle with new demands and unanticipated costs. It ignored the reality that the family which remains loses one adult worker to share housework, home maintenance and child care. It ignored the reality that the custodial parent inherits the work, the worry, the emotional and intellectual strain of maintaining a home and being on duty 24 hours a day for the children.
Our tax system rewards the parent who leaves and penalizes the parent who stays.
Some would say that amounts to be paid are the business of the courts and that judges and lawyers today are calculating all these facts when they gross up support payments. But some of these decisions are 10 to 15 years old and not only are the amounts paid totally inadequate but no gross up ever occurred in the original calculations.
Some would say then it is time to go back to court for a change of circumstance review. I would say those who give such advice have never been divorced either, or at least have never lived the life of a single parent. Single parents are usually poorer than their peers who are still married. They are often exhausted because of the burden they carry.
Picture a single mother of three teenagers who has been divorced for 10 years. Chances are she has already been back to court several times attempting to secure arrears owed to her, or perhaps she has registered with the provincial system designed to chase the non-custodial parent for arrears owing. Neither system has served her or her children well.
The result of these systems that do not work on the members of a single parent family is a feeling that they are less valuable to society, that they are marginalized in their struggle to survive. The temptation is to give up.
When poor single parents read in the paper that 61 per cent of single parent families live in poverty at an average of $9,000 per year below the poverty line it confirms to them the reality that they are living every day. It is not encouraging to them.
I and the other members of this new Parliament have inherited a country where over the last nine years the free market and government inaction were supposed to enhance the economic wellbeing of all but Canadians have come together to agree that that system did not deliver the results they were looking for.
They are expecting us to shake off the political paralysis and to shed the philosophy of inaction. They are asking us to unleash the political will for changes that will restore a sense of fairness to all Canadians.
Amending the Income Tax Act so that child support payments are no longer considered taxable income for the recipients is admittedly just one piece of a much larger puzzle but this motion before us tonight is the first chance we have had to demonstrate that we too are appalled by the statistics on the poverty endured by children in single parent families and that we are committed to restoring hope to those children.
Our support of this motion sends a message that we are not timid. We are not afraid to challenge the status quo. Rather it says that we who formed this government reflect the deep held values of Canadians and that we do have the political will to make the changes necessary to reinstate fairness as the hallmark of Canadian society.