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Crucial Fact

  • Her favourite word was environmental.

Last in Parliament May 2004, as Liberal MP for York North (Ontario)

Won her last election, in 2000, with 47% of the vote.

Statements in the House

Irving Whale June 12th, 1996

Mr. Speaker, the government is committed to the polluter pay principle. Once we bring the Irving Whale up, we will be able to assess the real reason for its sinking. At that time we will take appropriate action.

Irving Whale June 12th, 1996

Mr. Speaker, the government has undergone a number of consultations and assessments on the Irving Whale . We are going ahead with the lift this summer.

The Environment June 12th, 1996

Mr. Speaker, the government welcomes the scrutiny of the Sierra Club and other environmental organizations.

We have made advances on the environmental agenda. We have reintroduced a bill to ban MMT, something the Sierra Club supports. We have introduced tough regulations on new car emissions and we have created an environmental commissioner.

We have important legislation that represents throne speech commitments that will address many of the concerns outlined in this report.

The Environment June 12th, 1996

Mr. Speaker, with respect to the Sydney tar ponds, the minister has given his commitment before the committee that before the end of the term of the government something will be done with that situation.

The proposed Taro dump is under provincial jurisdiction. I suggest he speak to the provincial minister of the environment on that.

Taro Dump June 4th, 1996

Mr. Speaker, I will take the question under advisement.

Air Pollution June 4th, 1996

Mr. Speaker, transportation is one of the major causes of air pollution. The government has a strong commitment to dealing with this problem. One of the ways we have to address this problem is to reduce automobile emissions.

I am very pleased to say the Minister of the Environment is announcing today in Toronto a new set of national standards for automobile emissions. I am very pleased to say it is the strongest set of standards in the world.

The Environment May 29th, 1996

Mr. Speaker, I thank the hon. member from Mississauga West for her question. She has repeatedly demonstrated a concern for and commitment to environmental issues.

I am pleased to say that on Monday the Minister of the Environment announced that in partnership with two private sector partners and the University of Toronto we are committing $1.9 million for a research chair that will look at the complex issues of atmospheric pollution.

A world leader in his field, Professor Jim Drummond will chair the program. The program will develop and use space based instruments to measure and track air pollutants on a global scale.

Crucial information for addressing global environmental issues such as climate change, smog-

Canadian Human Rights Act May 7th, 1996

Mr. Speaker, before I begin I would like to say a couple of words about what the last speaker said.

Obviously different families have different ways of approaching things, but in my family I believe the most important lesson that I can leave for my children is to respect, value and appreciate the dignity of every individual no matter how he or she lives his or her life. For a party that continues to speak about equality these kinds of statements fly in the face of that.

It is with a great deal of pleasure that I speak in support of Bill C-33. The Canadian Human Rights Act applies to the federal government and federally regulated businesses. All 10 provinces and the two territories have their own human rights laws.

Human rights laws in every jurisdiction have a list of grounds or characteristics of discrimination that are against the law. Most human rights laws in Canada apply to employment, accommodation and the provision of goods and services.

The Canadian Human Rights Act governs principally employment and the provision of goods and services under federal jurisdiction. Currently the grounds for prohibited discrimination in the Canadian Human Rights Act are based on race, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, age, sex, marital status, family status, disability or conviction for an offence which a pardon has been granted.

All that Bill C-33 does is add sexual orientation as a ground for prohibited discrimination. Last year I stood in this House in support of Bill C-41. As I gave my speech I was subjected to loud and rancorous heckling from the members of the Reform Party. They objected to my support of the inclusion of sexual orientation as a prohibited ground of discrimination in reference to hate literature. They did not get it then and they are not getting it today.

Last year I stated that many of us assume that Canada is an open, tolerant and inclusive society. However, it cannot always be taken for granted. Members of the Reform Party have publicly stated that they would fire a homosexual employee. In addition, they made very unkind comments about black Canadians. These comments are totally unacceptable and are strong evidence of why human rights legislation is so very necessary.

Imagine for a moment being a gay or lesbian employee working for someone like the Reform members who feel that it is their right to fire employees, not on the basis of merit but on the basis of a personal characteristic. This from the Reform Party that consistently states over and over again that it is the party of equality and that the only hiring criteria is merit.

No one can deny that discrimination in the workplace for gay men and lesbians is very real. Many work in hostile and homophobic work environments where gay jokes are an accepted norm. Lesbians and gay men must often conceal their identity in order to get hired or to keep their jobs. As a result they cannot talk openly about their personal lives or about their partners.

When people are unable to share in simple conversations with colleagues about non-work activities, this can be very isolating. No one would want to be in a position where one has to conceal who one is for fear of verbal or physical abuse or for fear of being fired.

While some members on both sides of the House are not willing to extend protection against discrimination to gay men and lesbians, I am most disappointed with the Reform Party that has taken as a matter of party policy the right of individuals to discriminate against gay men and lesbians. Reform members say they are the party of equality, but is this only for people who look like them, who behave like them? Is there no one in the Reform Party who has the courage and the principles to stand and vote against the Jurassic Reform Party line? Is there no one in the Reform Party to stand in this House and be counted as someone who supports protection for all Canadians regardless of race, ethnicity, gender, age, ableness, religion and sexual orientation?

Some try to confuse the public by suggesting they would support this legislation if only the term sexual orientation was properly defined. This is merely an excuse for their homophobia or adherence to the third party line.

Courts and tribunals have looked at a number of cases pertaining to discrimination on the grounds of sexual orientation. They have clearly understood sexual orientation to mean heterosexuality, homosexuality and bisexuality. Opponents of this bill mislead Canadians when they say pedophilia will be sanctioned. Pedophilia, whether the perpetrator is homosexual or heterosexual, is an illegal act. As illegal behaviour it remains under the Criminal Code and is not protected by this amendment.

Tom Harpur has said there are many paths to God. For believers I agree with Mr. Harpur, there are many paths to God. The path that I have chosen is Christianity. I have to tell the House how hurt and angered I am that some individuals in this House use religion to further their political agenda. They have threatened and they have manipulated well-meaning individuals and I find this inexcusable.

The basic tenets of the Christian faith include compassion, respect and tolerance. Protection against discrimination is about

compassion, respect and tolerance. Diversity is the hallmark of creation. Diversity is healthy and natural. It must be protected.

Over 70 years ago as a woman I was not considered to be a person. If political leadership to change this gross inequity had not occurred I would not be in the House today arguing for the basic rights of other vulnerable groups in Canadian society. If we are to be civilized and humane we must protect the rights of all Canadians.

In my maiden speech I said that as parliamentarians we merely pass through this place. I feel very fortunate and honoured to be in this House when a federal government has finally made the decision to bring forward legislation that extends protection against discrimination on the grounds of sexual orientation.

I urge my colleagues on both sides of the House to seize this very important historical moment and support this legislation.

Air Pollution May 3rd, 1996

Mr. Speaker, I would like to thank the hon. member for her question.

This week I had the pleasure of participating in the clean air conference in Saint John, New Brunswick. This conference was hosted by Premier McKenna. It was organized for the premiers of eastern Canada as well as the governors of New England states. Both areas have common air pollution problems as the source of the air pollution comes from southern Ontario and the eastern United States.

As the the member stated, air pollution contributes to human health concerns. The federal government is committed both nationally and internationally to working on solving this problem.

Among many initiatives we are specifically working to strengthen the Canada-

Reform Party May 3rd, 1996

Mr. Speaker, for the third time in one week we have witnessed offensive and hurtful comments being spread by members of the Reform Party.

I am referring to the comments made on Wednesday by the member for Yorkton-Melville. Once again a member of the Reform Party has lashed out against a minority group, this time Canada's aboriginal community. This Reform member made derogatory remarks about Canada's native leadership when he said that its leadership will turn native self-government into fascist states. These statements are inexcusable. He has chosen to condone Neanderthal sentiments by repeating them in this chamber.

The Reform Party leader has assured Canadians he would no longer tolerate this behaviour in his caucus. Further outbreaks would warrant their expulsion.

Canadians must count on the leader of the Reform Party to keep his promise and ask for the resignation of the member for Yorkton-Melville. Canadians must be assured that even Reformers can keep their promises.