House of Commons photo

Crucial Fact

  • His favourite word was world.

Last in Parliament May 2004, as Liberal MP for Perth—Middlesex (Ontario)

Won his last election, in 2000, with 40% of the vote.

national defenceper centmilitary justice systemaccess to informationworldstratford festivalunited nationsjobs and growthchain of commandpleasure to risearmed forceswarontariobudgetpeacekeepingfuturepeacetradeforcegreatpersonnelcommissionsecondtheatrecanada'ssoldierscongratulatereformairnoradassistancesuccessoperationsridingspeechactionthronemajorfarmerspetitioncommitmentstudentsmissionsdisciplinepresentpast

Statements in the House

Resignation of Member October 11th, 2002

Mr. Speaker, my parliamentary colleagues, my dear friends, constituents of Perth--Middlesex, the service to the people of Canada has been an important part of my life, as a teacher and as a member of Canada's armed forces and the reservists. I never found to fail the involvement I had with the reservists before I came back to the House of Commons. Since 1993, as a parliamentarian there could be no greater calling for any of us.

It is with so much regret I must tell the House today that personal circumstances have led me to conclude that I can no longer serve Parliament or the people of Perth--Middlesex as I have for the past nine years. Mr. Speaker, I wish to notify you and all the members of the House of my intention to resign my seat effective immediately.

I thank you, Mr. Speaker. Also I would like to extend my personal gratitude for the support and well wishes that I have received from all my colleagues and friends, and especially my family over this trying time. I thank you all.

Millennium Scholarships May 29th, 2002

Mr. Speaker, I rise in the House today to recognize students from the riding of Perth--Middlesex who have qualified for the Canada millennium scholarship awards for the year 2002.

Based on the strict criteria for eligibility and selection of the millennium excellence program the following students have been awarded millennium scholarships: Lita Tretina of Nancy Campbell Collegiate Institute of Stratford was awarded a National Award; Cynthia L. Innes of Stratford Central Secondary School was awarded a Provincial/Territorial Award; and Danielle E. Jacques of Medway High School in Arva and Steffen Marcus of Listowel District Secondary School were both awarded Local Awards.

On behalf of the constituents of Perth--Middlesex I congratulate all these students for their hard work and perseverance.

Listowel District Secondary School May 22nd, 2002

Mr. Speaker, I rise in the House today to recognize the Listowel District Secondary School in Listowel, Ontario. On Monday, May 13, a revolutionary electronics facility named E-Lab was officially opened. This facility is unmatched by any other high school in Canada.

This $450,000 project was made possible through the generosity of the business and high tech sectors which contributed more than $300,000 in cash and equipment donations. The E-Lab allows students the opportunity to take advanced technology courses, such as electronics and computer engineering, using the same up to date technology that is used in industries across Canada today. The Listowel District Secondary School has already produced two gold medal champions in the electronic competition sponsored by Skills Canada.

I wish to congratulate Listowel District Secondary School and the constituents of Perth--Middlesex for making this learning opportunity available.

Discovery Centre May 9th, 2002

Mr. Speaker, I rise in the House today to recognize the Discovery Centre at the Normal School campaign in Stratford, Ontario.

The $2.5 million fundraising campaign to renovate the former teacher's college has passed the halfway mark. The fundraising volunteers have pledged their support for this five year campaign to restore and renew this magnificent building that was originally built in 1903. With its heritage status secured, the Discovery Centre will remain loyal to its architectural and historical integrity by stepping into the 21st century yet remaining true to its past.

The Discovery Centre will house the Stratford-Perth Museum; a visitor information area with Internet access; Gallery 96, a non-profit, artist run gallery; as well as rehearsal space for the Festival Theatre. This worthwhile project will preserve the city's heritage as far as possible by offering modern uses for this beautiful building located adjacent to the world renowned Stratford Festival Theatre.

I congratulate all constituents of Perth--Middlesex for enhancing another piece of their rich and diverse heritage.

Species at Risk Act May 8th, 2002

Madam Speaker, with regard to species being added to the critical habitat regime within the federal jurisdiction, we went even further. We provided for automatic critical habitat protection in a national park, a marine protected area, a migratory bird sanctuary and a national wildlife area. These are all federal lands and the protection element is a crucial one.

For anywhere else in the federal jurisdiction, the government is also moving to require the competent minister to recommend protection if critical habitat is not protected within 180 days of being identified in an approved recovery strategy or action plan.

All federal ministers will be required to consider the possible impacts on identified critical habitat prior to issuing any licence or permit for any activity.

We must also remember that most of the lands in Canada are under provincial and territorial management and private ownership.

The policy intents of Bill C-5 were not arrived at overnight. They came from years of study and consultation, of discussion and examination. We know, because it is already working, that the co-operative approach is the Canadian way.

We must ensure the incentive is there to pursue stewardship and voluntary action as the first step in all cases for protecting critical habitat.

Species at Risk Act May 8th, 2002

Madam Speaker, the words critical habitat protection have been much used both inside and outside the House of Commons in relation to the proposed species at risk act.

The critical habitat is the home of the species, the place it needs to grow, to reproduce and to thrive. It is not unlike our own homes and we know how we feel about those.

What concerns me somewhat is the rather cavalier way in which some say that critical habitat is not protected in the proposed species at risk act. They say it is only on federal lands and not even then. They say it fails without really saying how. These are people who are looking for an approach on critical habitat, indeed an approach on species in general, that is far more coercive than what has been designed.

Multiculturalism May 3rd, 2002

Mr. Speaker, last night in Montreal the Prime Minister made a speech in which he urged Canadians to be tolerant and accepting of one another. I would like to take a moment to echo these sentiments.

When listening to the news around the world today there are abundant examples of tension and violence between ethnicities and religious groups. Canadians must be vigilant in ensuring that we remain open, tolerant and respectful of each other's values. The Prime Minister said that:

In recent times we have witnessed a number of troubling acts of intolerance in the world. Acts of anti-Semitism in France and elsewhere in Europe, and even here in Canada where synagogues have been desecrated...We have witnessed hatred against Muslims after Sept. 11 in Canada and other countries...intolerance is absolutely and totally unacceptable.

I ask that the members of the House and all Canadians listen to the Prime Minister's words and ensure that Canada remains--

Timothy Eaton April 12th, 2002

Mr. Speaker, I rise in the House today to recognize the homecoming of a Timothy Eaton statue to St. Marys, Ontario.

The statue is one of two identical likenesses of Timothy Eaton and is currently located in Winnipeg, Manitoba. The other identical statue, which used to adorn the Eaton's store in Toronto, is currently located in the Royal Ontario museum.

The eminent retailing pioneer, Timothy Eaton, first began his empire in the St. Marys area. Hence, the town will make an appropriate final resting place for one of these great historical monuments. A suitable location for the statue will be found, perhaps between the town hall and the public library on Church Street.

Timothy Eaton will join former Prime Minister Arthur Meighen as the second pioneer of historical significance to be honoured in statue form by the town of St. Marys. Congratulations to the citizens of St. Marys and the constituents of Perth--Middlesex.

Parliamentary Precincts April 11th, 2002

Mr. Speaker, today the Minister of Public Works and Government Services made an announcement concerning the new parliamentary precinct building project. Can the minister tell the House what the project is about?

Agriculture April 10th, 2002

Mr. Speaker, I rise in the House today to announce that a new dairy show is making its home in Stratford, Ontario.

Ontario Dairy Discovery, a new two day Holstein and Jersey show which also includes a trade show, will debut at the Stratford fairgrounds on April 11 and 12, 2002. Amalgamating the former Ontario Holstein spring show, the Ontario Jersey spring show and the Ontario Dairy Discovery show, this could become one of the two largest dairy shows in the province.

At present there are more than 200 Holsteins, 150 Jerseys and at least 30 businesses registered in the trade show. Entries have been coming in from all over Ontario, Quebec, eastern Canada and the northeastern United States.

This new venture plans to make a permanent home at the Stratford fairgrounds. It represents a pooling of resources and talents from the previous smaller dairy exhibitions. Hopefully it will become a great success in future years.

I congratulate the Stratford fairgrounds and the constituents of Perth--Middlesex for becoming the hosts to this new venture.