Mr. Speaker, I rise to address the House about a critically important public safety issue and to outline some of the measures the Government of Canada has initiated in response to our commitment in the red book to ensure safe homes and safe streets.
All of us are painfully aware that the issues related to the management and treatment of sex offenders in federal correctional institutions are very much of public concern. Media attention and public outrage over violent crimes committed by sex offenders on conditional release have heightened fears about public safety.
During the summer I had extensive consultations with my constituents in Richmond. I went to the bus stops and the shopping malls to speak with my constituents. Sure enough, the number one concern of my constituents was with crime issues. Last year I did the same thing, I reached out to the constituencies, and their concern was with the debt and deficit. I suppose this year, because of the works of our government, the debt and deficit are under control. Now their concentration is on crime issues.
It is imperative that the Government of Canada take action to restore the public's confidence concerning the management and treatment of this group of offenders. I am confident the provisions contained in Bill C-45 as well as a number of criminal justice rights initiatives taken by the government would go a long way to restoring the public's confidence in Canada's criminal justice and correctional system.
The issue of high risk sex offenders is a complex problem, which has many facets. It would be unrealistic to expect a simple solution. The problem requires a comprehensive approach involving all jurisdictions and agencies, both governmental and non-governmental, in criminal justice and corrections. The Canadian government recognizes this and has taken leadership to gain the support of all parties concerned toward achieving a mutual solution.
At the federal and provincial levels there has been much discussion about this issue among ministers responsible for justice and corrections and a number of actions have already been announced. Among these was the announcement by the solicitor general last March of the establishment of a national flagging system using the Canadian Police Information Centre to help crown attorneys better identify high risk violent offenders at the time of prosecution. This system, along with the project now under way called the crown file research project, will assist prosecutors with decisions regarding prosecutions and charging strategies, including whether to bring a dangerous offender application against an individual. If a person is ruled by the courts to be a dangerous offender, an indefinite sentence of incarceration can be imposed.
Both these actions were recommended by the federal, provincial and territorial task force on high risk violent offenders which released its report earlier this year. The government is also addressing other important recommendations outlined in the report. For example, legislative changes are being examined which would make it easier for crown attorneys to make use of the existing dangerous offender provisions in the Criminal Code.
The provisions would be strengthened by making an indefinite sentence of incarceration the only sentencing option for those found by the court to be dangerous offenders, providing for new expanded presentence risk assessments in place of the current requirement for the evidence of two psychiatrists and the creation of a new category of long term offender, which would give the courts a new sentencing option for this group. This would require the long term supervision of the offender for up to 10 years following the end of the penitentiary term.
In addition to the work of the task force, the amendments to the Corrections and Conditional Release Act contained in Bill C-45 include other important changes which would tighten the legislation to ensure greater public protection. Principal among these are changes to detention provisions as they relate to sex offenders who victimize children. The amendments will eliminate the current serious harm criterion for this group of offenders.
Research has shown that the harm caused to children by sex offenders may not manifest itself until later in life. Therefore, because it is so difficult to draw a direct relationship between the offence and the consequent harm done, sex offenders often fall through the cracks when it comes to deciding whether they should be detained until the expiry of their sentence. The changes in Bill C-45 will close that gap by removing the requirement to determine whether serious harm occurred in sex offences involving children.
In the area of federal corrections much has been done to make the system more responsive to the demands for increased attention to public safety. Correctional Service Canada has experienced rapid and unprecedented growth in the number of sex offenders in its custody. The rate has been quite disproportionate compared to the overall increase in the federal inmate population.
In the past 10 years the number of sex offenders in federal penitentiaries has grown at a faster rate than any other group. From December 1990 to December 1994 the number of sex offenders under the jurisdiction of Correctional Service Canada increased by almost 50 per cent, while the total population increased by 10 per cent. In 1984 they represented little more than 7 per cent of the total federal inmate population. Today, however, nearly one-quarter of the incarcerated population and 17 per cent of the supervised
population are sex offenders. As of January 1995 there were an estimated 4,900 with sexual related offences in their sentences.
This increase is the net result of a number of factors. Ten years ago about 14,000 reports on sex offences came to the attention of police each year. Today police receive more than 30,000 such reports annually. The police have become better trained in investigative procedures determining the profiles of sex offenders and in their sensitivity to victims.
As well, attitudes have changed. Victims are much more willing to come forward. We have seen cases being prosecuted that occurred almost 30 years ago. There have been legislative changes resulting in new offences that were not investigated or prosecuted 10, 20 or 30 years ago.
Our society has seen decreased tolerance. The length of sentences being imposed by the courts has also increased. In 1991 the average length of sentence for sex offenders was 4.2 years. Today it is well over five years on average.
The trend therefore is that more sex offenders are entering the federal correctional system. They are staying longer and many are quite likely to be detained until the expiry of their sentence.
Of the 555 offenders detained today, 60 per cent are sex offenders. Correctional Service Canada, therefore, has had to respond to this dramatic increase by quickly expanding its treatment capacity from less than 100 offenders 10 years ago to more than 1,800 today.
This year it will increase to over 2,200. The correctional service has also increased the amount of money devoted to this area of treatment during the past five years. Expenditures in the coming years will increase by another $1.3 million in addition to last year's estimated $11 million.
Recognizing that treatment does not stop at the front gate of a prison, the correctional service has also expanded its capacity for follow-up treatment and relaxed prevention in the community for offenders under conditional release.
Seven hundred of the eighteen hundred treatment placements currently available are being provided in the community. To its credit the correctional service with the help of many experts has developed and implemented among the best programs and risk assessment tools of any other correctional jurisdiction in the world.
In late March the correctional service sponsored a national conference on sex offender treatment in Toronto. More than 400 experts and practitioners from across Canada, as well as the United States, Belgium, New Zealand and Norway, met to share knowledge and expertise in this important area.
To ensure that the service maintains its high standard of performance, a national strategy on sex offenders has been developed which is being shared with provincial mental health and correctional agencies to achieve a national consensus on standards for the assessment and treatment of sex offenders.
It must be said, however, that experts and practitioners the world over do not claim there is a cure for sex offenders. There is no single cause for this form of deviant behaviour and there is no single approach to treatment.
Instead there is a need for a continuum of treatment from intensive to intermediate to low intensity and a strong emphasis on managing risk through relaxed prevention. The latter involves teaching these inmates to recognize the factors that led to the commission of their crimes as well as avoidance and coping techniques for dealing with high risk situations. Even though the treatment programs and assessment tools are acknowledged to be among the best in the world, the state of knowledge unfortunately is not 100 per cent perfect, and it is unlikely it will ever be.
Sex offenders are not a homogeneous group. The nature of their offences vary. Their treatment needs vary. Their security levels vary. Not all sex offenders pose the same risk to the community when they are released. The majority of them will be released eventually whether under some form of conditional release or on expiration of their sentences.
The correctional service has conducted a number of follow-up research studies to acquire a better understanding of the rates of reoffending for treated and untreated sex offenders. It is too early to draw any firm conclusions, but by and large sex offenders who have participated in treatment programs have a greater probability of success than those who are untreated.
A three-year follow-up of nearly 1,200 sex offenders released from prison between 1985 and 1987 revealed that 6 per cent were readmitted for another sex offence. Almost 14 per cent were returned to prison for a variety of non-sexual offences and 11 per cent were readmitted for some form of technical violation of release conditions.
We know full well that statistics are of little comfort to the families of victims of these offenders in the aftermath of a tragedy. However I assure members of the House, indeed all Canadians, that tragic incidents also have a profound impact on correctional staff. It strengthens its resolve to improve the assessment procedures and the quality of treatment programs.
Real progress is being made to ensure greater protection for Canadians, especially from violent sex offenders who pose a high risk to women and children. The government has taken a very balanced approach and will continue to launch new initiatives in coming months to demonstrate its commitment to doing everything it can to make our homes and our communities safer.