Mr. Speaker, the hon. member gave us a nice theoretical review of what would be nice if everybody agreed with the same kind of rules. We are debating though this world trade office which is international. It is not something we can control within the confines of one country.
As an aside I would point out that this country has had provinces ever since its inception and those provinces have certain powers which the hon. member has chosen in his theoretical discussion to ignore. They have control over production within the province which is why the marketing boards operate the way they do.
However my question concerns the international aspects of the bill. I would urge the member to turn his mind to our relations vis-à-vis other countries, particularly as they apply to assistance to agriculture since that was the main theme of his speech.
Since the negotiations began in 1986 I note that all countries made a verbal undertaking to start reducing subsidies and assistance to agriculture. I note that in the OECD countries he mentioned the aid to the agricultural sector has actually increased by 7 per cent in the past year over previous years. The trend is definitely not reducing assistance to farmers in OECD countries, with the exception of Canada which shows a decline of 12 per cent in the last year over the previous year in assistance to agriculture.
We hear a lot of talk about level playing fields. As a former hockey referee, Mr. Speaker, I know you understand the importance of having the two teams relatively well matched in terms of equipment and so on. It seems to me that what we have achieved to date with the verbal agreements is perhaps a field that will be more level than it was. However players on the Canadian team have hardly any equipment and players on the other teams we are competing against are very heavily padded and ready to go with the full support of their fans, their local national governments.
I read the documentation our country put together. I got it under freedom of information because it was not made available otherwise. I find it is the intention of the country under the Liberal government, and apparently supported by the Reform Party and others, to reduce the assistance to agriculture at an even faster pace than we have done to this point in time, even though the other countries are still a long way from catching up and taking off their special protections.
It is to the point that by the end of the decade when the six-year implementation stage comes and we start on the seventh, which is supposed to be the achievement of the new world order, Canada will be paying its agricultural sector $1.5 billion less than the agreement requires. We will be nice and squeaky clean. We will be out there playing hockey in our civvies while everybody else will have the same level of support they have now, with perhaps a few minor reductions.
I am wondering how he could describe that as fair or something he would advocate in terms of our relations with all other countries. How could this approach be something that he would support?
Mr. Hermanson: Mr. Speaker, I appreciate the comments of the hon. member for Mackenzie. I know he has a sincere interest in agriculture and a strong commitment to the industry.
He spoke just in passing about marketing boards and the fact that the provinces have been given some jurisdictional powers in that area. The actual act is a federal act and there have been some real discrepancies as a result of it.
For instance, I wonder if the hon. member for Mackenzie supports the fact that the province of Quebec has a leg up on the rest of Canada as far as the industrial milk quota is concerned. Provinces such as our province of Saskatchewan do not have fair access to the industrial milk market because of the inequities of the interprovincial trade barriers within Canada. It is certainly an area we need to rectify. It is an intolerable situation. It has certainly hurt the agricultural industry in our province.
With regard to his comments about the level playing field and being equipped to play in the game, I share some of the same concerns the hon. member has expressed but I mentioned in my speech that we were comparing apples and oranges.
I want to make very clear probably one of the most dastardly attempts at taking away the equipment we as Canadian producers need to play the game. It was the action undertaken by the minister of agriculture when he agreed to cut the export sales of durum to the United States by half. Certainly I would agree with the hon. member that actions such as that one when we have the trade agreements on our side are unacceptable.
Export sales of Canadian durum to the United States were steadily increasing. In fact they were on an ascending rate, an accelerated rate. Just because Uncle Sam south of the border put a little pressure on the Canadian minister of agriculture he forgot about the rules. He forgot about the equipment. He threw it away.
If we are talking about being out on the ice and playing the game, I do not think our agriculture minister has gone out on the ice yet. If he has he certainly has not gone across his own blue line. Perhaps he needs a penalty for not getting in the game. I do not know, Mr. Speaker, if you have ever called one of those but I think the agriculture minister needs one.
We have the NAFTA. We have the GATT. If we are to voluntarily give up just because somebody puts a little pressure on us when the rules are on our side and the judgments are on our side, it is wrong and a disgrace to Canadian farmers. I would call upon the minister of agriculture-and I am sure the hon. member for Mackenzie would as well-not to strip us of the equipment that helps us to play the game.
I am convinced that Canadian farmers, given a level playing field, will compete with any team. Just as we were able to compete with the Russians back in 1976, I am sure as agriculture producers and free traders we will be able to take on any competitor in the world and play an excellent game. I suspect when the final whistle blows and when the light comes on at the end of the third period we will win if the government does not get in the road and if our minister of agriculture pulls up his socks, grabs a stick and gets in the game.